Oct 27, 2022
Ljubljana castle, Slovenia
BIG SEE Awards
Within the scope of the Month of Design Festival, the awards for design excellence in Southeast Europe will be granted in the categories of product, fashion, wood and tourism design. The BIG SEE Visionary Award will also be presented, namely for an outstanding contribution to the development of design in the region.
Stage 180°
A series of short lectures by award-winning designers and brands presenting their outstanding projects. The lectures seek to address critical thinking about quality design and establish quality communication within the profession and in relation to the general public. Winners will be granted the awards during all-day presentations.
Stage 1
10:04: Sveta Bogova Jovanovska
Responsible Future project, North Macedonia
10:08: Ioulietta Zindrou; Ahylo architects
Technopolis Auditorium, Greece
10:12: Andrej Kregar; Kreatif Design
Smart helmet, Slovenia
10:20: Jan Tyrpekl
Tree house, Czech Republic
10:24: Martin Oberhauser; Studio Oberhauser
Liquid Clock, Italy
10:28: Federico Mentil; Ceschia Mentil architetti associati
Casa a collina, Italy
10:32: Eldine Heep & Klemens Schillinger
“4.Wand”, Austria
10:36: Ingrid and Michael Schwärzler; Schwärzler Architects
Children’s education center Lansa, Austria
10:40: Klara Vratislavova; Prodesi / Domesi
Vranovská dam, Czech Republic
10:44: Horst Van Nieuwenhuyse
Scubajet, Austria
10:48: Andrej Mercina; Triiije arhitekti
Lolita Eipprova, Slovenia
10:52: Nina Tešanović; Sono arhitekti
Sport Hotel Soča, Slovenia
10:56: David Mišič, Sašo Žolek; Styria arhitektura
Library of the Faculty of Health Sciences University of Maribor, Slovenia
11:00: Gerhard Kopeinig; Arch + More
Guttaring education center, Austria
11:04: Gernot Pichler; DI TM, Brauchst
Table Steckplatz, Austria
11:08: Michael Brötz
Top Mountain Cross Point, Austria
11:12: Zavis Lacina
Opio, Czech Republic
11:16: Kristýna Šimoník & Klára Melounová; Oblakka
Poupě, Czech Republic
11:20: Kateřina Kupcová Pihávková; Chic by pig
Rocking Pig, Czech Republic
11:24: Michaela Maresch; Commod-Haus
Commod House “Magic House”, Austria
11:28: Lukáš Formánek; Productdesign.cz
Water heater TO, Czech Republic
11:32: Alexandra Matei; ACT Alexandra Matei
ACT – arthritis curved tableware, Romania
11:36: Rainer Atzlinger; Xelectrix Power
XPB PRO, Austria
11:40: Anna Marešová; Anna Marešová designers
Whoop·de·doo Menstrual Cup, Czech Republic
11:44: Rita Orlando; Open Design School
Piazza dell’Architettura, Italy
11:48: Martin Oberhauser; Studio Oberhauser
Sousa Phone, Italy
11:52: Lobis Paul; Lobis Böden
LobiSILENT – die Akustikdiele, Italy
11:56: Vesna Kracanović
Modle / White In Color /SS23, Serbia
12:00: LUNCH
13:00: Daniela Baldo; Studio Marco Piva
The Pantheon Iconic Rome Hotel, Italy
13:04: Erolda Çela
Sharm, Albania
13:08: Neli Miteva; Nelmit
Culture Clash, Bulgaria
13:12: Joško Lokas
Etnoland Dalmati, Croatia
13:20: Ana Krgović
The Invisible Path, Montenegro
13:24: Marek Jurčiak, Peter Balušík
KLS Outrage/Enduro prilba, Slovakia
13:28: Peter Vidák; Ziale Design Studio
HeelGood elastic shoe-counter protector, Hungary
13:32: Eva Rubin & Johanna Kavalar
Volksschule (GTS) Hörzendorf, Austria
13:36: Giampaolo Allocco; Delineo Design
Rocko Carbon – Portaborrace, Italy
13:40: Martin Oberhauser; Studio Oberhauser
Kapl, Italy
13:44: Anna Marešová; Anna Marešová designers
Noir Heavy balls, Czech Republic
13:52: Milanese Erich; MAO Architects
La Ghiacciaia, Pederobba, Italy
13:56: Renato Kolar; Obrt Kolar
Hvar Chair, Croatia
14:00: Mario Ivkić; Hansgrohe
Axor One basin mixer (whole mixer/shower product range), Croatia
14:08: Monica Martini; Gherardi Architetti
Villa MB, Italy
14:24: Martin Oberhauser; Studio Oberhauser
Aura Chalets, Italy
14:28: Lara Sappa; Studio Officina82
StarsBOX, Italy
14:32: Andrea Morana and Luana Rao; morana + rao architects
Reuse of the former Jesuit convent, Italy
14:36: Rossella Fantinato; Tubes Radiatori
Milano/horizontal, Italy
14:40: Andraž Šapec; Sito
Beneteau First 14, Slovenia
14:44: Urška Sršen; Bellabeat
Ivy HR health tracker, Croatia
14:48: Jan Barič
Udu drum Solza, Slovenia
14:52: Gašper Fabijan
Chicken Coop, Slovenia
14:56: Jernej Mali; Atelje Mali
Takete family of wooden bowls, Slovenia
15:04: Zala Zorman
Slovenia Eco Resort, Slovenia
15:08: Maja Žerovnik & Amanda Kladnik; Mesto na vasi, zasebni zavod
Zeliščarna in zeliščni vrt, Slovenia
15:12: Angelika Frenademetz; Slowli Concept
Slow Wool collection, Italy
15:16: Teodora McDonald; Teodora Jevtic Design Studio,
Naja, Serbia
15:20: Boštjan Misja
Far away to Podčetrtek, where everyone feels at home!, Slovenia
15:24: Branislav Knežević and Slavica Lončar; Turistička organizacija Novi Sad
Novi Sad, European Capital of Culture 2022, Serbia
15:28: Chris Basias
AZOU, Greece
15:32: Arijana Gadžijev
Slovanka – printed textile jewelry for body and home, Slovenia
15:36: Mirela Iancu; Museum Astra
Astra VR, Romania
15:40: Lara Sappa; Studio Officina82
GlamBOX, Italy
15:44: Martin Oberhauser; Studio Oberhauser
zitturi sampler, Italy
15:48: Jernej Mali; Atelje Mali
Chop chop cutting boards, Slovenia
15:52: Francesco Vavassori; Tarta Design
Tarta Task Chair, Italy
15:56: Anna Marešová; Anna Marešová designers
MOOYYY Champagne Jewerly collection, Czech Republic
16:00: Apol Temesi
Sound Wool acoustic panel, Hungary
16:04: Angelika Frenademetz; Slowli Concept
Slow Wood Collection, Italy
16:08: Patrik Zamazal; Molo Architekti
Pařezová chaloupka, Czech Republic
16:12: Aleksandra Dzakovic
Archaic Future, North Macedonia
16:16: Igor Markov; Markov
Markov/Campaign III, North Macedonia
16:20: Richard Scheich; Feld72
Maierhof housing estate, Austria
16:24: Chrysa Vasileli & Adamos Dimitriou; Omniview Design
Super Paradise beach club, Greece
16:28: Mario Ivkić, Hansgrohe
Axor Citterio basin mixer – 2021 update, Croatia
16:32: Arbau,
Centro Soranzo, Italy
16:36: Milica Maric; Wood Mood Design
Long socks table, Serbia
16:40: Djordje Cukanovic; Chudes
DC dspining chair, Serbia
16:44: Viktor Devečka & Bronislava Brtáňová; In-house design (Forest Skis)
A collection of sports products with an original blue print surface, Slovakia
Stage 2
Moderator: Taja Legat Lokar
10:00: Istvan Ulmann; Petflat
Petflat, Hungary
10:04: Richard Vodička; Egoé
Štok, Czech Republic
10:16: Nenad Fabijanić & Leila Nanuk
Homeland Memorial, Croatia
10:20: Tatiana Maarová,Lukáš Kaplan; Kaplan nábytek
Elica – Extendable Table, Czech Republic
10:24: Kata Marunica; NFO
Paleo Park, Croatia
10:28: Jan Forsthuber; Deltahub
Carpio 2.0, Slovenia
10:32: Teresa König / Hannes Reisecker; Kon-tur
Tanne massiv – Neues Leben im Binderbauer (Altheim), Austria
10:36: Maximilian Wetschko; Wetschko Architekten
Pastoralräumlichkeiten Maria Feicht, Austria
10:40: Jan Kurz; Kurz architects
Kostel Panny Marie Dobré rady, Czech Republic
10:44: David Ptáček; DPA
Kukačka – bus stop, Czech Republic
10:48: Matjaž Kuzma; Green Adventure
Fish & Fly TRIO, Slovenia
10:52: Matej Gašperič; Biro Gašperič
Hiša za preproste užitke, Slovenia
10:56: Sergiy Borakovskyy; Belassi
Burrasca, Austria
11:00: Tina Belina, Adna Lainšček; Zavod za turizem Šaleške doline
Velenje underground, Slovenia
11:04: Ruth Arad; Ruth Arad Design
The Lounge at Isrotel Kedma Hotel, Israel
11:08: Sebastian Haller; Baumeister Jürgen Haller
Cabin, Austria
11:12: Sebastian Haller; Baumeister Jürgen Haller
Halwina Hideaway, Austria
11:16: Ema Klemen; Enota
Hotel Maestoso, Slovenia
11:20: Ulrich Huber; Almut Von Wildheim
Almut von Wildheim – Design line 0239, Austria
11:24: Éva Baráth; Beres architects
Cabin Moss, Hungary
11:28: Miljana Matić; Studenica Monastery
Tour to Studenica Monastery, Serbia
11:32: Irena Truhlářová; Archcon atelier
Dům se sloupy z Douglasky, Czech Republic
11:36: Konstantinos Psomas; Psomas architects
Antasia Beach Club, Cyprus
11:40: Tomáš Humpal; Vaner architects
The footbridge Šébr in a mountain pass “Stožecké sedlo”, Czech Republic
11:44: Natalija Bogdanovic & Katarina Lončarević
Work/exhibition station, Serbia
11:48: Jakob Dunkl; querkraft
Museum Liaunig, Austra
11:56: Kobi Kor
CureSight™, Israel
12:00: LUNCH
13:00: Anton Kosmač
Unikatno mizarstvo Anton Kosmač, Pisalna miza, Slovenia
13:04: Valentin Vodev; VELLO
VELLO bike+ Titan, Austria
13:08: Andrej Strehovec
Bobrov center – naravovarstveni center Sotla, Slovenia
13:12: Timeea Diosi; Biancoebianca
Jess Restaurant, Romania
13:16: Giannis Efthymiadis , Vasiliki Karentzou , Konstantinos Efthymiadis; g2lab
Peliva stuites, Greece
13:20: Tina Belina, Adna Lainšček; Zavod za turizem Šaleške doline
Mysteries of submerged villages, Slovenia
13:24: Hugo Herrera Pianno; Baumschlager Eberle Architekten
Peterhof Alpe Furx Hotel, Austria
13:28: Andrea Dujić; JA Arhitekt
Ja lampa, Croatia
13:32: Csaba Nagy,; Archikon
Paris Court, Hungary
13:36: Barbara Gollackner; Studio Barbara Gollackner
Tedisplay, Austria
13:40: Sybille Caspar & Paul Wichert; Caspar Wichert Architektur
Hospiz Haus Hall in Tirol, Austria
13:44: Simona Antona; Si Design Studio
Plant-a-Lamp, Austria
13:48: Martina Janochova; European Cultural Route of Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Cyril and Methodius Route, Czech Republic
13:52: Karel Filip Drobne
Woodko, Slovenia
13:56: Jonas Skielboe; Inseq Design Illera + Partner
Velostage, Austria
14:00: Paolo Bartoli; Rexa Design
O_O, Italy
14:04: Ante Filipović Grčić; 2FG Studio
City Friend, Croatia
14:08: Tina Belina, Adna Lainšček; Zavod za turizem Šaleške doline
Fly into the tannery of Europe, Slovenia
14:12: Silvana Steidler & Neza Kravos; Atelier Areti
Elements Collection, Austria
14:16: Helena Dařbujánová; Dad Studio
Suzanne collection of chests of drawers for memories, Czech Republic
14:20: Marija Miloshevska
Mamka”, North Macedonia
14:24: Robert Rüf; Trewit
Trax, Austria
14:28: Teodora Mitrovska; T*Mitrovska
The Post Collection, North Macedonia
14:32: Mateja Kuka Brkić; Muze d.o.o. / Muses Ltd
Poklon Visitor Centre’s permanent exhibition, Croatia
14:36: Sanja Grčić; Firma by Sanja
Sanja Grčić/ Firma By Sanja, Slovenia
14:40: Idearium
Mobili – Multifunkcionalni pult, Croatia
14:44: Milena Djukanovic; Midju 3D Printed Accesories
Pop Art MiDju 3d printed accessories, Montenegro
14:48: Marek Błażucki; B&B Design
Diag, Poland
14:52: Katarina Ribarić, Luka Perčinić, Marin Mušćo
Rab archaeological traces, Croatia
14:56: Ivan Levak; IVI
Axel, Croatia
15:00: Reinhold Hammerer; Hammerer Architekten
Himmelchalet Alpencamping Nenzing, Austria
15:04: Miloslav Melicharek; Werkemotion
Kvant Spectrum / Atom, Slovakia
15:08: Enida Šetka & Esma Šantić; Istraživački centar za prostor
Mostar (future) Herit Routes, Bosnia and Hercegovina
15:16: Aleksandar Knezevic; Evozome Design
Armadillo house, Serbia
15:20: Gábor Fábián; Projectroom
Treehouses Noszvaj vol.2, Hungary
15:24: Uroš Mavretić; Adria home
Xline, Slovenia
15:28: Ana Krgović
Mental Health In Metropolis, Montenegro
15:32: Maja Stamenković; MA_ST_AR
Building Blocks, Slovenia
15:36: Giovanni Barbieri
Le Piastrelle Segnate – The Marked Tiles, Italy
15:40: Bivak studio
Nest Box by Bivak, Hungary
15:44: Petr Fiala; Artaban studio
Dada cradle, Czech Republic
15:48: Thomas Hauser; Atelier Allure By Thomas Hauser
Oscar Clack, Austria
15:52: Matic Veler
Divided Between Two Worlds, Slovenia
15:56: Helena Dařbujánová; Dad Studio
Mostly Wine music box, Czech Republic
16:00: Nadine Dullnig; Fara
Fara Extinguisher, Austria
16:04: Berrak Ilkcan Sener; Parla Design
Rimo Armchair, Turkey
16:08: Tereza Talichová; Tititi
Tititi Toy, Czech Republic
16:12: Michael Hofbauer; DO:IT Solutions
Aircare+, Austria
16:16: Marion Volgger; Asaggio
Forestis, Italy
16:20: Bernhard Hiehs& Daniela Anhell; Derenko
Das Bootshaus, Austria
16:24: Valeria Aretusi
Q residence, Italy
16:28: Etnik Shala; ESH
Goblen, Kosovo
16:32: Clemens Luser; HoG Architektur
Seminar house Hotel Gut Pössnitzberg, Austria
16:36: Maja Stamenković; MA_ST_AR
Love Letters, Slovenia
16:40: Maja Stamenković; MA_ST_AR
Strictly Confidential, Slovenia
16:44: Goran Mikulic; University of Rijeka Foundation
Memori, Croatia
Grand Prix Award Ceremony
The celebration of the Design Awards will continue with the evening reception for the winners and the Grand Prix Awards Ceremony during which the winners will be granted the main awards.
BIG SEE Exhibition
The exhibition showcasing award-winning projects in the fields of product design, fashion design, wood design and tourism design aims to promote business and creative excellence and provide an in-depth insight into the state of creativity in the region and beyond.
Stage 180° Presentations

Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia




Zumtobel Group
