If “daring is momentarily losing balance”, the O_O freestanding washbasin dares to perfection. Two sharp, offset cylinders, with very different proportions, which declare their own specific function and combine, without fittings, to create an iconic object with simple and legible geometric shapes: a wide and decidedly horizontal basin that “looks out” the column with remarkable overhang. In the O_O washbasin – designed by Bartoli Design – the space of the “slip” becomes a seat for the tap outside the water container, or a small shelf on the cylindrical support, when the tap is wall-mounted or floor-standing. Available in Corian® or in Marquinia and Carrara Gioia marble with the new Acid Shield treatment: a revolutionary protective designed against acid agents, dyes and greases, which, forming a real invisible shield satin to the touch, protects from stains, halos, streaking and loss of tonality and brilliance, without altering the natural chromatic qualities of the stone.

Bartoli Design
Rexa Design Srl
Year of production