This is a flexible polymer shoe counter protector to avoid the damage of the shoes’ backside while driving. It can be pull on the shoes from the front side and fix it to the back. It fits either on sneakers or in case of wearing high-heel pumps it is easy to put the high heel into the bottom loop and fix the object on the counter part of the shoe. The HeelGood trendy accessories are available in several colours. The idea was born several years ago in the mind of a cosmopolitan mother – Mrs.Anna Czifra – who had two kids and runs her own business in the advertising sector. She took the sparkle of the necessity of this kind of goods while she carried her children on the playgrounds where she has seen the shoes damaged because of the motorcycle toys.
Then she found out that she has got the same problem during the car driving as she pushes the gas and all the nice shoes of her gardrobe were distroyed because of the carpets of the cars. She knew a shoe designer friend well since years, so she asked Mrs. Zita Attalai shoe designer for creating the industrial design and the visualization of this product. They led the construction development process works together and the HeelGood was born during 2 years of product development time period.

ZIALE Design Studio; Zita Attalai, Hungary
Deal-Done Kommunikációs Kft., Hungary
Year of production
Zsichla Máté