The Hanging Gardens of Restaurant Berthelot; I Love Colours Design Studio; Alexandra Henry Zabunov │BIG SEE Awards 2018

BIG SEE Interior Design Award 2018 - Winner, Hospitality, Romania|

Berthelot Hotel has opened 8 years ago in Bucharest, with an uncovered outdoor terrace used only in the hot weather. In time, the hotel felt the need to enlarge the restaurant area and explored
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BIT – Bloom in Town; Diorama; Serena Rosato, SMALL; Andrea Paone │BIG SEE Awards 2018

BIG SEE Interior Design Award 2018 - Winner, Hospitality, Italy|

Tropical taste, sophisticated materials and bespoke details characterize the sparkling atmosphere of BIT restaurant: where refined tropical-chic interiors welcome a mixology bar and an international-cuisine restaurant. BIT restaurant is a cosy and relaxed ambience
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C [~Si:] Lounge; Alexandru Mihai Popescu; PMAA – member of Arhitecți Asociați / Associated Architects│BIG SEE Awards 2018

BIG SEE Interior Design Award 2018 - Winner, Hospitality, Romania|

C [~Si:] Lounge is located in one of the former Pipera computer factories in Bucharest. Due to the already existing space configuration and the clients’ brief, we followed an industrial aesthetic that would resemble
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