Dare Vasiljevič, Tanja Špan Vasiljevič, Arhimetrics│Slovenia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 15, 2018|Slovenia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

ARHIMETRICS is an architectural office based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. ARHIMETRICS was founded by Dare Vasiljevič and Tanja Špan Vasiljevič in 2011. Office joins architects and designers with same clear goal: to challenge a variety of
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Alexandru Mihai Popescu, Monica Alina Paduraru; PMAA – member of Arhitecți Asociați / Associated Architects│Romania
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 11, 2018|Romania, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Alexandru Mihai Popescu member of Arhitecți Asociați Bucharest, Romania I likes professional challenges. I like to surround myself with educated people. I try to learn from every experience and i'velearned quite a lot till now.
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Lenka Míková, Marketa Brom; Lenka Míková architecture studio│Czech Republic
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 11, 2018|Czech Republic, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Lenka Míková *1984, Prague, Czech Republic Lenka studied architecture at Czech Technical University in Prague and during a one-year internship at ENSA Paris-Val de Seine. She gained professional experience while working for various architectural and
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Gergely Hory, Zoltán Major, Péter Müllner; Partizan architecture│Hungary
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 11, 2018|Hungary, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Gergely Hory (1989), Zoltán Major (1988) and Péter Müllner (1988) founded Partizan Architecture in 2013. They graduated at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) as architects. They also studied architecture at the University
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Borislav Benedek, Lang Benedek associated architects│Slovakia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 10, 2018|Architecture, Slovakia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

2016 LANG BENEDEK ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS, Bratislava 2013 – 2016 studio b52, Bratislava 2009 – 2013 3C studio, Bratislava 2009 autorizácia SKA, r.č. 1557 AA 2008 – 2009 Slovensko-japonská obchodná komora |SJOK| senior konzultant 2007 –
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Tina Rugelj, Tina Rugelj architecture+design studio│Slovenia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 10, 2018|Slovenia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Tina Rugelj architecture+design studio works within the fields of architecture, interior and product design to accompany its clients from preliminary designs to final details. Tina Rugelj is the head of Tina Rugelj architecture+design studio, a
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Nina Bohte, Nina Galič, Studio NPLAN│Slovenia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 9, 2018|Slovenia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Nina Galič 17.09.1989 inter.arch. Izobrazba: Fakulteta za dizajn v Ljubljani NO 2008-2011 Tomes More Mechelen Interior design department 2011-2012 Nina Bohte 16.09.1987 dipl.desig. Izobrazba: Visoka šola za dizajn v Ljubljani NO 2007-2011 PROJEKTI: Restavracija Dama,
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Jakub Filip Novak, Daniela Baráčková; No Architects│Czech Republic
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 9, 2018|Czech Republic, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Jakub Filip Novák Born 1980 Living in Prague Architect Daniela Baráčková Born 1981 Living in Prague Artist   On the Built-on Gallery with the Lantern On the Built-on Gallery with the Lantern; No Architects; Jakub
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Sondra Pantani, Pietro Marsili; MODO architecture│Italy
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 9, 2018|Italy, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

MODO architecture + design is an established architectural + interior design studio based in Livorno, Tuscany (Italy), created through a collaboration between Sondra Pantani and Pietro Marsili, both graduates in Architecture at the University of
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Daniel Rohan, Daniel Baudis; DDAANN│Czech Republic
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 9, 2018|Czech Republic, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Daniel Rohan *1982 2015-2018 DDAANN /partner 2012-2015 Mjölk architekti /partner 2012 The Faculty of Art and Architecture, Technical University iof Liberec, Czech republic Daniel Baudis *1981 2015-2018 DDAANN /partner 2012-2015 Mjölk architekti /partner 2012 The
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Pavel Tsochev, SOVA architecture and design │Bulgaria
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 8, 2018|Bulgaria, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

SOVA is a Bulgaria based architectural and design practice, accommodating the creative strive of Pavel Tsochev and Snezhina Aleksieva. What makes the projects of SOVA distinguishable is the concordance of contemporary materials and techniques aimed
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Rok Klanjšček, REAL Engineering │Slovenia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 8, 2018|Slovenia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

Born: 12 January 1967 in Šempeter pri Gorici 1985-1991, Studied at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Graduate Architect, Diploma Mentor Professor Bonča 1992-1993, Architects Association, Ljubljana, Full-time Job 1993, Practical Work in arch. Hacin`s
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Miha Čebulj, Miha Čebulj Arhitektura│Slovenia
Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, 2018

October 8, 2018|Slovenia, Speakers Interior & Wood Design 180|

After finishing studies at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana, Slovenia (2002) and post-graduate study at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (2005, parametric architecture) Miha Čebulj have collaborated within prominent architectural offices (OMA,
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