
General data
Area: 56,594 km2
Popuation: 4.058.165
Capital: Zagreb
Currency: Kuna (HRK)
Time zone: UTC+1
Calling code: +385
Biggest Cities: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar, Pula
GDP per capita (eur, 2019): 12.450
GDP (billion EUR, 2019): 54,7
Inflation (%, 2019): 0,8
Unemployment (%, 2019): 7,8
Import (billion EUR, 2019): 23,7
Export (billion EUR, 2019): 13,6
Real growth rate of export (%): 4,5
Real growth rate of Import (%): 4,5
Foreign investments (billion EUR, 2019): 1,2
Croatia ranks 9th in the overall ranking. Among the three sub-areas, it ranks highest in the field of interior design, 2nd place. It ranks 7th in the field of product design and fashion, and 9th in the field of architecture. It ranks 9th in terms of GDP per capita. According to the mobility of creators according to the country of origin and the country of roaming, it ranks 8th and 9th among nineteen countries. According to the number of people working as creative and performing artists, authors, journalists and linguists, it ranks 10th. The number of companies operating in the cultural sector is 9th highest.
Creative Barometer was developed by Zavod Big in cooperation with the Center for Creativity, at the Museum of Architecture and Design. This project is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity cofinanced by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.