Tatjana Cafuk on the involvment of citizens as creators of their own spaces, aided by experts
Tatjana Cafuk, Arhipen, Croatia Concurrently with the COVID-19 crisis, the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, and its surroundings were hit by a devastating earthquake, which caused significant damage to buildings. The Zagreb city
Tommaso Giunchi: Social distancing will go beyond the problem of Covid-19
Tommaso Giunchi, Italy I already discuss this theme with different social platforms and magazines: I think that people, who have been forced to stay indoors for a long time, have realized
Tatjana Cafuk on Covid-19 crisis as opportunity for reflection and optimization of existing processes
Tatjana Cafuk, Arhipen, Croatia The COVID-19 crisis will undoubtedly affect many aspects of urban planning, architecture, and design. Although we cannot accurately predict the future, every crisis brings opportunities for reflection, reimagining
Zamboni Associati: Covid-19 “brings to the brink” ambiguous or unresolved situations
Zamboni Associati Architetti, Italy Covid-19 emergency apparently leads in the diametrically opposite direction to how our cities, our communities, our activities and the use of public and private space were evolving
Y100 Atelier on the platform for architectural competitions on state/municipality levels
Y100 Atelier, Slovakia I really miss the platform for architectural competitions on the state and municipality levels. Most of the public institutions publish call for entries only on their web sites,
Novi dom on how the crisis caused by Covid-19 will impact the construction industry and the architecture itself
Novi dom, Bosnia and Herzegovina The consequences of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic and by the restrictive measures implemented by many governments will certainly have a major impact
LDA.iMdA about a delicate balance border that sees two sides of architecture work in Italy
LDA.iMdA Architetti associati, Italy Italian architecture has a great history both in ancient and in modern period. Luckily we have been the fortunate witnesses of the most important artistic phenomena in
Giuseppe Gurrieri on the disappearance of policies to protect the natural and historicized territory
Giuseppe Gurrieri; Giuseppe Gurrieri Studio, Italy In recent decades, in Italy, in order to meet the growing demand for housing, policies to protect the natural and historicized territory have disappeared in
Georgios Makridis about the under-apprecitation of design
Georgios Makridis; do:gma, Cyprus Problem Identification: Under-Appreciation of Design This is a rather general problem, that becomes specific for Cyprus in a slightly different way. The country is currently into the frenzy
Chrystala Psathiti on design of various architectural proposals
Chrystala Psathiti; Splace-architecture, Cyprus Problem: New firms basically rely mainly on their intuition or the general culture provided by Instagram and Pinterest for the design of various architectural proposals. Solution: I think
Burnazzi Feltrin Architetti about revitalisation of abandoned urban spaces
Burnazzi Feltrin Architetti, Italy As for identifying a problem/solution in our country's architectural profession, I was thinking about how to reuse/regenerate urban spaces previously abandoned or disused. In my opinion a very
Architect Peter Lorenz: Every crisis is a chance
Lorenzateliers; Peter Lorenz Every crisis is a chance. Big crisis like covid 19 represent big chances. Optimistically it might be possible that our visions for the urban future will no longer
Raluca Visinescu: lack architectural inputs in the public sector
Raluca Visinescu; Bloc, Romania For the last 18 months, as a member of the board of Romanian Order of Architects, Bucharest Branch, I've been in charge of tackling the problem of the
Hopefully our empathy will remain at this increased level after the crisis is over; interview with Lenart Škof
The optimistic view of the Covid-19 pandemics is that it provides a chance for a global reset, usually in a sense of initiating a process of levelling inequality all across the globe and within countries, classes and sexes. More →
Education needs to strengthen cultural freedoms and intensify the search for truth; interview with Enzo Essenza
We are nowhere near a point when anyone could predict what comes A. C. (“after Corona”, as the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has called it), but we can assume that we are entering turbulent times. More →
Jora Kasapi on “Undesired buildings” in Tirana
Jora Kasapi, Albania "The urban fabric of Tirana has been shaped by a continuous process of tabula rasa, continuing even more intensively today, through the devaluation of the past to replace
Christos Pavlou about architecture awareness in Cyprus
Christos Pavlou, Cyprus "Our biggest concern as architects in Cyprus is the level of architecture awareness which is at the moment largely absent. It seems as though that architecture exists only
Giuseppe Gurrieri – what happens after Covid-19 and the ensuing global economic crisis
Giuseppe Gurrieri; Giuseppe Gurrieri Studio, Italy After Covid 19 and after the ensuing global economic crisis I don’t think we will going back like “before” because a real crisis never leaves
Chrystala Psathiti: Covid-19 – move to online
Chrystala Psathiti; Splace-architecture, Cyprus Covid-19 makes us wonder weather we should push some of our services online in order to minimize our exposure to the side effect of this pandemic situation in the
Architect Peter Lorenz from Lorenzateliers about Colaboration between Vienna and other imperial cities
Lorenzateliers; Peter Lorenz “Vienna already has been elected 10 times as the city with the highest „quality of living worldwide“ – and there is a lot still to do: the city