Harmony in diversity – Bauhaus & handcraft

The increasing speed of technological development has transformed modern life in ways that are both exciting and challenging. Amidst the steady stream of digitization and modernization, we witness two seemingly opposing movements existing in parallel: on one side, the relentless flood of innovations optimizing our ways of life and work; on the other, a deep longing for authenticity and craftsmanship. This tension between advancing technology and the turn towards traditional craftsmanship forms the core of this investigation, delving deep into the facets of modernization and self-harmony. Within these dilemmas, an interesting phenomenon emerges: a perceived synthesis of Bauhaus principles, which once anchored the ideals of equality in design with its clear formal lines and geometric aesthetics, and traditional craftsmanship, which embodies individuality and authenticity—a quality sought by so many.

This treatise embarks on a journey through the complexities of progress and tradition, exploring the influences and criticisms of Bauhaus, examining its traces in the textile and fashion world, and ultimately seeking a way in which modernization, craftsmanship, and art can intersect. In light of this investigation, there is a striving for a deep understanding of how craftsmanship and design movements like Bauhaus, inspiring yet often elitist, can be reconciled to form a new harmony in the diverse world—shaping future fashion trends and fostering dialogue between past and future, tradition and innovation. Fashion becomes applied art when clothing is not designed as a mere commodity but asserts an artistic-ideological claim, incorporating this philosophy into the object itself. Rooted in the history of the past, yet dynamically oriented toward the diverse future.


Designer and / or studio
Yue Xiang, Germany

Year of production

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