Steklarna Rogaška Rogaska Crystal
Steklarna Rogaška Rogaska Crystal Steklarna Rogaška, with a 350-year tradition, is renowned for crafting top-quality crystal products that express Slovenian tradition and art, cherished worldwide. The new additions
NOTANEARLYBIRD A brand of cute toys, home decor, illustrations, and other non-essential but charming products. The main story revolves around Magic Forest Friends, which are originally designed and
1+1 design gallery
1+1 design gallery 1+1 is a gallery founded in Milan in 2017 that relocated to Koper in 2022, offering design pieces from the 20th Century. For “Designing the
Ognjen Bačić mag.oec.: Hotel Batuda
Ognjen Bačić mag.oec.: Hotel Batuda Biro j.d.o.o., Hoteli Batuda d.o.o., Croatia Ognjen Bacic has graduated on Rochester Institute of Technology in 2006 and since then is running businesses in a manager
Roberto Gobbo: Alterna SM003
Roberto Gobbo: Alterna SM003 Zalf S.p.A., Italy Founded in 1974 in Maser, Veneto (Northern Italy), Zalf is the Gruppo Euromobil company that specialises in the production of modular systems for the living
Luka Gašparević: TECEsquare II metal toilet flush plate, rusted steel
Luka Gašparević: TECEsquare II metal toilet flush plate, rusted steel TECE d.o.o., Croatia
Christian Gasparini: SAGM – sculpture atelier galliani montecchio
Christian Gasparini: SAGM – sculpture atelier galliani montecchio Christian Gasparini, Italy Professor at the Politecnico of Milan, where he teaches and works as researcher of urban and architectural planning since 2007,
Martin Lippl: The R-Series
Martin Lippl: The R-Series Profectronics GmbH, Austria
Peter Tchordov & Sofia Kodjamanova: House G
Peter Tchordov & Sofia Kodjamanova: House G GreenPoint Projects Ltd, Bulgaria GreenPoint Projects is an architectural studio based in Sofia, Bulgaria, founded by Peter Tchordov and Sofia Kodjamanova in 2016. Putting
TIBAUT in ROPOT Meet Me, a chair made entirely from leftover decking boards, is the product of the decking and parquet specialist Tibaut and the design team Ropot.
Atelje Mali
Atelje Mali Koncept produkcije Ateljeja Mali je čisto preprost, brez odvečne filozofije: ponuditi lepo oblikovan predmet, ki je nastal z rokami in srcem. ateljemali Lokacija CHA
Studio nuumroom
Studio nuumroom B.E.N. is a modular nest box that adapts to accommodate different bird species by changing its three elements: Box, Entrance, and Nest. The nest box is
Innovation Living
Innovation Living Innovation Living and handcrafted elegance. Malloy Wood has been designed for the living room as a comfortable sofa with a high backrest, soft cushions, and carefully
1+1 design gallery
1+1 design gallery 1+1 is a gallery founded in Milan in 2017 that relocated to Koper in 2022, offering design pieces from the 20th Century. For “Designing the
Darja Malešič
Darja Malešič Darja Malešič designs transform traditional wicker craft with a modern approach to create sustainable products. By re-imagining the heritage skills of Slovenian artisans she has created
Vera Victoria Moll
Vera Victoria Moll Stancija 1904, Croatia Welcome to EDEN – STANCIJA 1904. Istria/Croatia The hundred-year-old charming property Stancija 1904. is located in the heart of Istria in the idyllic village of
Mateja Panter
Mateja Panter Pooblaščena arhitektka in oblikovalka deluje na področju projektiranja arhitekture, oblikovanja interierja, produktov in grafike. Ukvarja se s kreativnim svetovanjem in strokovno publicistiko. Njeni projekti ponujajo celovite rešitve, so interdisciplinarni in
Katjusa Kranjc
Katjusa Kranjc Raketa Katjuša Kranjc is an architect and designer. After obtaining her degree in architecture, she pursued the art of graphic design under the guidance of two of Slovenia's greatest
Karin Košak Arzenšek
Karin A. Košak Galerija KAR=IN Karin A. Košak, a Master of Pharmacy, is an assistant professor and lecturer at the Faculty of Design, where she lectures on the history of furniture
Jelena Pirkmajer
Jelena Pirkmajer Cliché
Natalija Lapajne
Natalija Lapajne Natalija Lapajne, Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje Natalija Lapajne, muzejska svetovalka, je zaposlena kot kustosinja v Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, z delom je pričela v Plečnikovi hiši. Zadnja
Klavdija Hoefler
Klavdija Hoefler Klavdija Höfler, Inštitut za razvoj igrač Ob rednem delu delam na področju igrač približno 10 let in sicer sem ustanoviteljica in direktorica Inštituta za razvoj igrač, od decembra 2014.
Ervin Presiček
Ervin Presiček Ervin Presiček, Gogius, d. o. o. Kot univ. dipl. inž. grad. se od leta 1991 aktivno ukvarjam s projektiranjem gradbenih konstrukcij. Leta 2011 sem začel s konstruiranjem sestavljanke GOGIX
Patrizia Moroso & Davide Michelizza
Patrizia Moroso & Davide Michelizza Moroso spa, Italy Moroso was established in 1952, the brainchild of Agostino Moroso. From seventy years the company has been producing sofas, armchairs and furnishing accessories,