Invitation to exhibit at Design Week Ljubljana

Deadline for registration
September 8

Design Week Ljubljana

Design Week Ljubljana is a tradeshow/exhibition event for exchanging new design narratives with an audience eager for good design, innovations, and experiences. It is the main event of the Month of Design Ljubljana.

Design Zone

The Design Zone runs around the Ljubljana Castle hill along:
Trubarjeva and Stritarjeva Street,
Prešeren Square,

Čopova and Slovenska Street,
Kongresni Square,
Gallusovo nabrežje,
Hribarjevo nabrežje,

Mestni trg (Town Square),
Gornji trg (Upper Square),
Ciril-Metodov and Vodnikov trg and

Gornji trg (Upper Square), 
In addition to the above-mentioned venues, the programme featuring various events and exhibitions will also take place at some other locations in the city of Ljubljana.

The design experience is located in shops, salons, galleries, museums, studios, restaurants, cafes, parks and the city market.

Opening hours

October 5 and 6: 10.00 – 22.00
October 7: 10.00 – 19.00

Why exhibit at the Design Week Ljubljana?

  • Market testing
  • Launching design innovations in fast-growing markets of Southeast Europe
  • Networking with the business and creative elite of the region SEE and beyond
  • Increasing brand visibility in the media

Target audience

  • Designers and architects
  • Merchants, entrepreneurs, and brand experts
  • Media representatives
  • Representatives of educational and other institutions and industries
  • Creative industry students
  • Wider audiences who appreciate good design


  • Visitors to events and exhibitions: 20,000+
  • Month of Design magazine: 10,000 readers
  • Website: 6,000+ views
  • Facebook: 20,000+ followers
  • Instagram: 6,000+ followers
  • Newsletter: 30,000+


DAY 1 – OCTOBER 5, 2023
DESIGN CONFERENCE, Venue: Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
10.00-11.30: BIG SEE Debate: Growing up with design (Main stage)
– Klavdija Höfler; Inštitut za razvoj igrač
– Mateja Panter
– Ervin Presiček; Gogix
– Natalija Lapajne; Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje

12.00-13.30: BIG SEE Debate: Where should I buy it? (Main stage)
– Jelena Pirkmajer; Cliché
– Katjuša Kranjc; Raketa
– Karin A. Košak; Galerija KAR=IN

14.00-16.00: Design Forum (Main stage)
– Lotti Gostič; Lotti Gostic studio
– Matevž Popič; Hisense Gorenje Europe
– Andrej Kregar; Kreatif Design
– Katjuša Kranjc; Raketa
– Barbara Prinčič
– Japec Jakopin; J&J Design
– Tadej Juran; Atelje Juran
– Maja Stamenković; MA_ST_AR
– Špela Leskovic & Aleš Košak; AKSL arhitekti
– Petra Zakrajšek; GAO arhitekti
– Jan Šimnovec
– Manica Lavrenčič
– Vid de Gleria; Strip Lab
– Blaž Jamšek, Andrej Zonta, Matej Peneš; BAAM arhitekti
– Gašper Premože

AWARD CEREMONY, Venue: Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
17.00-18.00: Slovenian Design Award Ceremony (Main stage)

18.00-22.00: Opening of the Design in the City Exhibitions (city centre)

DAY 2 – OCTOBER 6, 2023
DESIGN CONFERENCE, Venue: Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
9.00-17.00: Winning Projects Presentations & Awarding (Stage 1, Stage 2)
13.00-14.00: CEE Design Maturity Trends 2023 – by Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (Main stage)
14.00-16.00: Keynote lectures: The Future is Watching You (Main stage)
– Salih Teskeredžić; Gazzda
– Zoran Jedrejcic; Zoran Jedrejcic Design Studio
– Dr. Francesco Clemente; Prensilia
– Patrizia Moroso, Davide Michelizza; Moroso spa
– Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky; AWS Designteam
– Juri Troy; Juri Troy Architects
– Felix Perasso

GRAND PRIX AWARD CEREMONY, Venue: Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
18.00-19.00: BIG SEE Design Grand Prix Award Ceremony (Main stage)

10.00-22.00: Design in the City (city centre)

DAY 3 – OCTOBER 7, 2023
10.00-12.00: Design in the City (city centre)

Exhibition conditions

Inclusion of design brands among the exhibitors of the Design Week Ljubljana is curated, which means that the quality of the application must meet the criteria of curatorial evaluation (good design, novelty, and innovation).

Application fee

For freelancers and companies with up to 5 employees: 600 € 
For companies with more than 5 employees: 2.400 €

Street sign

Culinary station


Offer for designers / design brands

The organizer provides

  • Event organisation support
    • Advice on finding promotion ideas, partner, location … etc.
  • Location sign
    • Marking the location with a festival street sign
    • Marking the location with a festival label
    • Marking the location with a culinary station
  • Inclusion in printed and online catalogue of the Month of Design Ljubljana
    (Data for publication must be provided no later than August 16th)

    • Announcement in the festival program.
    • Presentation of the design brand and exhibited products with an image, text (approximately 250 characters), and contact information.
    • Distribution of the printed catalog at all Ljubljana Design Week locations.
  • Social media
    • Announcements and presentations on Facebook and Instagram.
  • E-invitations
    • Creation of individual electronic invitations.
    • Inclusion in e-invitations and media announcements.

The exhibitor provides

By registering, the exhibitor commits to showcasing the products that have passed the curatorial evaluation from October 5 to October 7, 2023. Additionally, they undertake to ensure for the mandatory culinary and light music performances, specifically:

  • Culinary performance on October 5 and 6. from 18.00 to 22.00: The exhibitor is responsible for ensuring a culinary performance.
  • Light & Sound Design on October 6 from 18.00 to 22.00: The exhibitor will arrange for a light and music performance that complements the ambiance and enhances the visitor experience during the exhibition.

The exhibitor can arrange for the execution of the mandatory performances through the organizer of Ljubljana Design Week at a price of 2,000 EUR + VAT per individual performance.

The deadline for registration is September 1, 2023.
If the exhibitor fails to provide the necessary materials by the aforementioned deadline, we cannot guarantee their inclusion in the promotional channels of The Month of Design.

Additional: Street Exhibition Unit

Option of ordering Exhibition Street Unit on Kongresni trg, Stritarjeva street & Mestni trg, Breg
Price:  7.320 €

Street Exhibition Unit

Stritarjeva street and Mestni trg (Town square)



Živa Novak,, mobile: +386 (0)51 666 623
Zmago Novak,, mobile: +386 (0)41 669 119