Family residence at Tükörhegy, Törökbálint

The detached house is located at the dense suburban housing area of Tükörhegy in Törökbálint, the hillside was formerly planted with a remarkable orchard. The building’s simple form and neutral appearance try to counterweigh the heterogeneous architecture of the surroundings. The public areas and the guest room on the ground floor are connected to the veranda, that is a reinterpretation of the traditional porches. The bedrooms on the first floor open to the long, southwest-looking balcony, offering a pleasant view on the garden.

What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
The double-storied veranda and balcony facing the garden and the view.


Zsuffa Kalmár Architects; László Kalmár, Péter Kronavetter, Zsolt Zsuffa
Associate architect: Gábor Nagy
Interior architecture: Kroki Studio; Balázs Kéry

Landscape architecture
Attila Gombás


Year of completion

Törökbálint, Hungary

Total area
285 m2

Site area
718 m2

Zsolt Zsuffa; Zsuffa Kalmár Architects

Project Partners

Levente Borsos (Profiszerkezet Ltd.), Domi-Dor Ltd., Carl Stahl Hungaria Ltd.

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