Situated in a growing area surrounding the Belgrade Port, studio is contributing the development of a new artistic neighborhood. The studio occupies the ground floor of a former Customs Office building. The building is extended with a cubic form, whose volume and design are in contrast with the existing structure, while the authentic murals on the new façade are correlated with the object’s purpose. Position of elements in the studio is determined by the laws of sound reflection, absorption, fraction and spreading. The priority was to ensure a flawless acoustic space which requires very dynamic spatial elements. One of the most significant elements in the space is the wall acoustic cover “ –accordion”. The ”accordion” presents an important acoustic, spatial and visual structure, connecting different parts of the studio, while also symbolizing our client’s occupation. Overall, the design concept could be described as a “patchwork” – combining different fragments connected by fixed elements to create a harmonious space.

Year of completion
Belgrade, Serbia
Total area
150 m2
Relja Ivanić