Tetín is not only the place where the first Czech saint – Princess Ludmila – was assassinated. It is a magical, mystical place, full of stories and legends. It is characterized by a strong genius loci. With the materials used in the parterre, they want to evoke the perception of the St. Ludmila period. The idea that the newly designed parterre could have existed hundreds of years ago and could evoke the spirit of the time is exciting. At the same time, alongside the high-quality historic architecture, they have to incorporate lesser-quality architecture from the recent past so that it fits into the concept. Therefore, they proposed a larger format “worn” stone paving, a grassed stone paving with large joints designed for grass growth and a resident lawn, as the main material for the newly unified surfaces in the historic center.

Mackovič architecture; Jan Mackovič, Kateřina Burešová, Zuzana Kučerová, Jana Kusbachová, cooperation: Jakub Killnar, Ivona Náterová, Dominika Čižmářová, TERRA FLORIDA v.o.s.
The village of Tetín
Year of completion
Tetín, Czech Republic
Tomáš Souček
Project partners
Jakub Killnar, Ivona Náterová, Dominika Čižmářová, TERRA FLORIDA v.o.s.