Regalsystem Continua

Continua is a modular furniture system that you can freely assemble by following a few simple rules. The system consists of plywood rectangular modules and a vertical grid of aluminum bars. Initially created as a bookcase, Continua’s numerous configurations allow it to be used for organizing, dividing, or even creating a room within a room. Its innovative design can follow curved lines, making it particularly suitable for furnishing offices, shops, and exhibition spaces that require frequent reorganization.

We envision Continua evolving over time; for instance, it could transform from a bookcase to a green wall as the digital revolution converts our books into bits. To support this, we are implementing an integrated irrigation system that distributes water to specially designed flowerpots. We believe that thoughtful design choices can help reduce environmental impact at all stages of a product’s life cycle. According to studies*, 10 million tonnes of furniture are discarded each year by businesses and consumers in EU countries. To address this, we produce Continua modules on demand to avoid overproduction.

Additionally, we have optimized the system for online sales, considering the compact size of the components: four wooden elements and two aluminum bars fit neatly into a box that is easy to ship. Moreover, the interlocking connections, absence of glue, and clear separation of materials (wood and aluminum) make the product recyclable. Finally, with this project, we aim to change user habits by enabling repairs and expansion of the bookcase. Continua can be disassembled into components and easily repaired, directly impacting its longevity. Consumers only purchase what they need and can add more modules as required. So, follow your creativity and choose your favorite configuration!

~ European Environmental Bureau, 2017


Federico Gianni e Tanja Foretic Architetti, Germany

NON SOLO MOBILI s.r.l., Italy

Year of production

Federico Menici Fotografo

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