MIXER Coffee is a coffee shop and a juice bar that brings together urban people and vibrates positive energy. It is located in a shopping mall in Belgrade and has become a favorite choice for mall visitors thanks to its warm dark interior, uplifting greenery and high-quality designer furniture and lighting. The bar is highly illuminated as it is located next to a terrace that overlooks the lake and the Ada Ciganlija island as well as the new, imposing Ada bridge.
Creating a brand identity was included in the Arhi.pro’s scope of work and has affected the idea for the interior design through its easily recognizable, dominant pink color that contrasts the mostly black interior and the natural feeling of wooden furniture designed in collaboration with Arhi.pro Furniture, a separate manufacturing branch of the company.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
The feeling of overwhelming positivity that is a result of carefully though-out details, not onlyin interior design but also in its relation to the graphic design, music and food and drinks arrangements. All that was a part of creating the brand identity. One doesn’t simply go to MIXER COFFEE and not take a photo of their colored, pink cappuccinoin front of the bar. The waiters even carry their own pink polaroid cameras to make the photofor you.

Arhi.pro; Dimitrije Milić, Marija Omanović
Kafter d.o.o.
Year of completion
Belgrade, Serbia
Total area
102 m2
Neda Mojsilović
Project Partners
Billiani, Arhi.pro Furniture, Artemide Belgrade, Light Studio Belgrade