At 922 m above sea level, the Jauerling Nature Park is the highest point along the Danube. The reactivation of the nature reserve uncovers stunning views over the surrounding landscape and the rich cultural background of the area. The loop trail is punctuated by eleven simple installations dedicated to the locally relevant theme of timber yet processed and displayed in a new way. Constructed out of local windfall timber, these installations reinterpret and pay homage to the characteristic wood piles found in forestry. The mountain summit, quietly hidden in the woods, is highlighted by a floating ring. Further below, a long table offers a convivial gathering or resting point for hikers and mountain-bikers. A new panoramic terrace is installed as well and offers a non commercial resting point. Dispersed between these three highlights, wooden divan beds mark special places and viewing points, unifying the network of trails.

Bauchplan ).(
Wachau Regional Development Agency, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau
Year of completion
Jauerling, Austria
Total area
11 installations along the Jauerling loop, total area of interest 8,5 km2
Bauchplan ).(
Project Partners
tourismus design, Holzbau Unfried GmbH