DUNA bird watching was created within project Experimental Wooden Climatic Chamber within EEA Scholarship Program Slovakia with project number SK06-IV-02-004 of partner organisations: Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Bergen School of Architecture, Bergen, Norway, during 4 student – professional workshops in spring 2016. It is placed at Hrušovská zdž like part of Gabčikovo water dam on Danube river, near village Kalinkovo, cca 18 km from Bratislava. The placement on Hrušovská zdž – a natural part of a dam on the Danube itself, is interesting especially in autumn and winter thanks to the presence of 100 000 migrating and wintering birds. Bird watching platform DUNA is situated directly on the river cost under the international cyclist rout along Danube River. It provides not only place to observe nature, but also to have a break and relax during cycling and hiking in this favourite recreation site. Its concept of wave enables combining of more private one for bird watching and more private zone for public. It shape is matching with the landscape in less intrusive way. In 2018 educational nature watching trail was added.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
DUNA bird watching provides not only place to observe nature, but also to have a break and relax during cycling and hiking in this favourite recreation site. Its concept of wave enables combining of more private one for bird watching and more private zone for public. It shape is matching with the landscape in less intrusive way.

Faculty of architecture and design, STU in Bratislava and Bergen School of Architecture.
Leader of the project: Veronika Kotradyová
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU BA)
Noro Knap, Veronika Kotradyová, Marketa Kučerová
Year of completion
Kalinkovo, Bratislava region, Slovakia
Total area
60 m2
Project Partners
Wood B Nové Zamky, Lega Komjatice, Isometall Lendak, Lacos Senec, W-Cut Most pri Bratislave, Adler Slovakia, Hranimpex, Korveta Bratislava, Agency Watching