Matic Veler / Matic Veler / Divided between two worlds
Inspiration: In his opinion, fashion is very personal and it should evoke feelings in people. It is not just about wearing a garment. We should adore it. Treat is as a piece of art. He
Inspiration: In his opinion, fashion is very personal and it should evoke feelings in people. It is not just about wearing a garment. We should adore it. Treat is as a piece of art. He
Inspiration: In full proudness, I bow before the wonders of the Albanian ethnography. My collection doesn’t include any fragment of the ethnic details, since my generation belongs to an innovative era. We can just
Inspiration: The design explores digital setae pattern and multi-colour 3D printing on fabric, inspired by microscopic butterfly wing patterns. Butterfly wings are made up of membranes which are covered by thousands of colourful scales