According to the original idea, the space was intended for a bar. Later the idea of a temporary home for modern travelers was born. The apartment is planned with the desire that the guests would feel comfortable in it. We combined family heritage and modern details, which together conjure up warmth and homeliness. The interior equipment is selected carefully and from various ends, what create a unique ambience of the temporary home. Entrance of the apartment represents a special experience. From the raised floor as a bird’s perspective, we descend into the central space where above we can find the gallery.
Text provided by the authors of the project.

Barbara Žnidarič
Progrin d.o.o.
Year of completion
Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
Total area
110 m2
Jasna Marin, Barbara Žnidarič
Portrait photo: Tamara Vogrin
Project Partners
OK Atelier s.r.o., MALANG s.r.o.