Unico is the first water dispensing fountain designed for public spaces working with A.I. patented technology able to dispense refrigerated still and sparkling, but also room temperature and hot water without touching the machine thus ensuring maximum hygiene. It automatically fills the bottle or any kind of other container and stops when it’s full, avoiding water leakage and reducing ambient impact. Unico’s sensors are arranged to guarantee the use of children, older people, and people with disabilities, in full compliance with the stringent ADA regulations. The use of this water dispenser is simple and intuitive. Each tap has a large digital screen to provide visual directions, with a user interface and iconography. Attention has also been paid to the quality and sustainability of the materials, such as recyclable tempered glass and corian, a non-porous material that prevents bacterial proliferation. Its design is modular, giving each ambient absolute flexibility in the configuration of the furniture. Unico can be remotely monitored via Wi-Fi thanks to IOT technology to verify filter status or possible alarms and sustainably organize product maintenance.

Blupura S.r.l, Italy
Blupura S.r.l, Italy
Year of production