Hub is divided into zones, giving the opportunity to every visitor to enjoy a full variety of goods the company offers, just by being guided through the curved lit lines placed on the floor. The sectors include the Mobile area, the Living room, the Kids corner and the Gaming station, the Kitchen zone, the Fitness area and last but not least the 4D VR Experience. The main goal of the project was the design of an eye-catching space for the visitor, combined with a sense of dominance inside the 4.000sq of the Megastore. Moreover, both the interconnectedness of all solutions that was offered and the expertise and innovative character of the brand being communicated throughout the whole environment, make the guests enjoy this unique Samsung experience!
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
The concept itself! STIRIXIS Group was assigned the creation of Samsung’s Hub inside the Megastore of the biggest electronic and electric goods chain in Greece, Dixons South East Europe S.A.- Kotsovolos. Our team delivered a holistic concept focusing on the customer experience: the Samsung Hub was created as a smarthome simulation, a cozy area inside the Megastore, where Samsung would be able to promote its huge variety of tech products, by standing out, simultaneously, among the rest of the competitive firms! The visitor would have the chance to sit, relax or wander around the dedicated area, getting inspired not only from the latest tech devices Samsung offers, but also its household appliances. STIRIXIS Group achieved through every aspect of the project from the strategic approach to the design concept to totally reflect the company’s commercial goals as well as the brand’s prestigious identity and leadership status.

Samsung Electronics – Samsung Greece
Cathy Cunliffe
Athens, Greece
Year of completion
Total area
4.000 m2
Site area
144 m2
Project Partners