When Michaela Maresch and Gerald Brencic founded COMMOD HOUSE in 2011, they were keen to close the gap between unaffordable architecturally designed houses and the lack of design and quality on the prefabricated house market in ecological construction. They wanted to use their product to counter the increasing trend toward more insulation thickness without regard to the use of insulation materials. The initial duo has grown continuously and sustainably over the past decade and can rely on a solid, professional, and established core team with a lot of know-how.
COMMOD HOUSE has always made it a priority to involve its clients in the entire planning process and, thanks to this way of thinking, the company can look back on long-standing and appreciative client relationships. The floor plan design is individual and, together with the future homeowners, the design team develops unique architectural structures that become cosy homes for many satisfied generations of COMMOD HOUSE customers.
COMMOD HOUSE® is the first house that grows with you! Natural building materials and advanced technology enable healthy and ecological living environment for a reliable fixed price. The variable modular system consists mainly of the flexible and healthy building material wood., wood-based materials and recyclable products. Therefore, the thermal finish is also achieved ecologically and naturally using wood products such as cellulose blow-in insulation in the floor, wall and roof areas and soft wood fibre boards on the façade.
COMMOD HOUSE has received numerous awards for its modular houses and interior design, which also were featured in several publications internationally.
Michaela Maresch, CEO, CO-Founder & Shareholder of COMMOD-Haus GmbH
studied architecture at the Technical University in Graz and graduated 2006. She worked in various architectural offices nationally and abroad before working for the architectural office LOVE architecture and urbanism where she met Gerald Brencic. In 2011 they decided to start their own company with focus on ecological modular construction made of wood and thus COMMOD HOUSE was founded.
In 2020/21, Michaela was a lecturer at the Building Academy Übelbach and taught, among other things, project management leadership & control and staff leadership & personnel management.
Gerald Brencic, CEO, CO-Founder & Shareholder of COMMOD-Haus GmbH
studied architecture at the Technical University in Graz. In 2002, he co-founded the Baukunstatelier „mind aided design“. Before assuming his role as a project manager at the architectural office LOVE architecture and urbanism, Gerald worked on various projects as a freelancer.
In 2011 he and Michaela Maresch founded COMMOD-Haus GmbH, a prefab house company with focus on ecological modular construction made of wood.
Geistige Einstellung verbindet (print) | HOLZBAU Austria | 2019 |
Kleiner Raum für große Träume (print) | Tischlerjournal | 2019 |
Architektenhäuser in der Schweiz & Österreich | 2020 | |
Häuser des Jahres | 2020 |
Karl-Franzens-Universität / Graz | 2014 |
Global Innovation Summit 2021 / Graz | 2021 |
Go Green: Shift your competences – Mit grünen Innovationen neue Geschäftsfelder erobern! | 2021 |
Architektursommer 2015 | Haus der Architektur Graz, AUT | 2015 |
Yostar - Young Styrian Architecture | Haus der Architektur Graz / HDA Graz, AUT - Hiša Arhitekture Maribor, SVN - Architektur Galerie Berlin, DEU | 2018 |
Architektursommer 2018 | Haus der Architektur Graz, AUT | 2018 |
Architekturtage 2019 | Haus der Architektur Graz, AUT | 2019 |
Le salon Faire – Construire sa Maison | PAP Evénements, Paris, France | 2019 |

Graz, Austria
Make contact
+43 316 232 047
+43 660 6944 851
I think
An interview
Our vision has always been to mix high-quality design, sustainability, and building with a top material standard