3LHD is an architectural practice focused on integrating various disciplines – architecture, urban planning, design and art. The Studio was founded in Zagreb in 1994 by four partners: Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović and Silvije Novak. In 2016 they appointed a new partner, Paula Kukuljica.
3LHD architects in their work constantly explore new possibilities of interaction between architecture, society and individuals as well as their mutual integration. Through the contemporary architectural approach the team of architects deals with all the projects in cooperation with many experts from various disciplines.
The projects, such as Memorial Bridge in Rijeka, Croatian Pavilion at EXPO 2005 in Japan and EXPO 2008 in Spain, Riva Waterfront in Split, Sports Hall Bale in Istria, Zamet Centre in Rijeka, Dance Centre in Zagreb, Hotel Lone in Rovinj and Freshwater Aquarium in Karlovac are some of the important projects that have established 3LHD not only in the professional circles but also in the wider public circles. They are currently working on several national and international projects: Hotel LN Garden Resort (China), Hotel Park (Croatia), interior of Hotel Dolder Waldhaus (Switzerland), Hotel Belvedere in Dubrovnik (Croatia).
3LHD architects represented Croatia at the Venice Biennale 2010, the 12th International Architecture Exhibition, with a group of authors. They also took part in the 2008 ‘Mare Nostrum’ exhibition at the second International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam, and in a group exhibition in Boston at Harvard University: “New Trajectories: Contemporary Architecture in Croatia and Slovenia“.
The work of 3LHD has received important Croatian and international awards including the award for the best building in Sport Category at the first World Architecture Festival WAF 2008, IOC/IAKS Bronze Medal Award 2009 and IOC/IAKS Silver Medal Award 2011 both for the best architectural achievement of facilities intended for sports and recreation, AR Emerging Architecture Award (UK), the ID Magazine Award (USA), and the Croatian professional awards Drago Galić (2013; 2008), Bernando Bernardi (2009; 2005), Viktor Kovačić (2011; 2001), and Vladimir Nazor (2009; 1999).
Portrait: Jure Zivkovic
3LHD is an architecture studio founded by four partners - Saša Begović (born 1967 in Bjelovar), Marko Dabrović (born 1969 in Dubrovnik), Tanja Grozdanić Begović (born 1968 in Zagreb) and Silvije Novak (born 1971 in Rijeka). 3LHD was founded in 1994 when three of the four partners were still students on the Architecture faculty in Zagreb, in an atmosphere of Croatia's political and economic transition. The studio was formed on the basis of team work and atmosphere. After years of successful business, 3LHD has appointed a new partner in 2016, Paula Kukuljica (born 1976 in Oakville, Kanada).
All of the partners are graduates from Architectural Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
3LHD partners have been visiting lecturers on institutions all over the world and currently they are teachers on Architectural Faculties, University of Zagreb and Split, Croatia.
Award / project | Institution | Year |
CAA Realizations 2019 - annual Viktor Kovačić Award | Croatian Architects' Association | 2020 |
Vladimir Nazor annual award 2019 for Urania | Ministry of Culture, Republic of Croatia | 2020 |
Medal for Urbanism | Croatian Chamber of Architects | 2020 |
A+Award in the Architecture +Landscape category | Architizer | 2017 |
A+Popular Choice Award in the Architecture +Landscape category | Architizer | 2017 |
ARTUR 2016 special mention | 2016 | |
50th Zagreb Salon of Architecture award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2015 |
ARTUR conference special mention | Zagreb architects society | 2015 |
CEMEX building award Croatia 2015 | CEMEX | 2015 |
Rexpo Adriatic 2015 Best New Hotel Award | REXPO | 2015 |
CEMEX building award 2015 | CEMEX | 2015 |
ELLE style award in the "best architect" category | ELLE magazine Croatia | 2015 |
CAA Realizations 2013 - Drago Galić Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2014 |
Charter of the Republic of Croatia | President of Republic of Croatia | 2012 |
Oris Award 2012 | ORIS house of architecture and Arhitekst | 2012 |
47th Zagreb Salon of Architecture Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2012 |
European Hotel Design Award for best new built hotel | The Sleeper Magazine | 2012 |
International Hotel Award for the best congress hotel in Europe | International Hotel Award | 2012 |
IOC Trophy for Sport and Sustainable Development 2012 | International Olympic Committee | 2012 |
IOC/IAKS Award 2011 | International Olympic Committee, International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities and International Paralympic Committee | 2011 |
CAA Realizations 2011 - Viktor Kovačić Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2011 |
Annual Vladimir Nazor Award 2009 | Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia | 2010 |
CAA Realizations 2008 - Drago Galić Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2009 |
Stone in Architecture 2009 | Jadrankamen d.d. | 2009 |
IOC/IAKS Award 2009 | International Olympic Committee, International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities and International Paralympic Committee | 2009 |
CAA Realizations 2009 - Bernardo Bernardi Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2009 |
XVII CEMEX BUILDING AWARD Croatia 2007 | CEMEX & Dalmacijacement | 2008 |
WAF World Architecture Festival 2008 - category sport | Emap | 2008 |
XVII CEMEX BUILDING AWARD 2008 - 3rd Place infrastructural buildings | CEMEX | 2008 |
CAA Realizations 2005 - Bernardo Bernardi Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2006 |
38th Zagreb Salon Mention | HDLU - Croatian Association of Artists | 2003 |
I.D. Annual Design Review 2003 | I.D. Magazine, New York, USA | 2003 |
AR+D Award 2002 | The Architectural Review + d. line | 2002 |
Piranesi Mention | Obalne galerije Piran | 2002 |
Bauwelt Mention | Bauwelt Magazine | 2002 |
CAA Realizations 2001 - Viktor Kovačić Award | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2001 |
Vladimir Nazor Annual Award 1999 | The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia | 1999 |
24th Youth Salon 1st award | HDLU - Croatian Association of Artists | 1996 |
24th Youth Salon Mention | HDLU - Croatian Association of Artists | 1996 |
Mulini Beach Hotel Dubrovnik Palace | Man and space no.716-727 | 2015 |
Zamet Centre | Transforming cities | 2015 |
Amarin Apartment Village Hotel Lone | Presjek no.10 | 2015 |
Delta and Porto Baroš | A10 no.56 | 2014 |
House V2 | Oris no.86 | 2014 |
Amarin Apartment Village | Oris no.84 | 2013 |
Interviews with a 100 Croatian leaders | 2013 | |
Ski Restaurant Raduša | DHD no.39 | 2013 |
Sports Hall Bale | Masonry material and structure | 2013 |
Hotel Lone | D'Architectures no.223 | 2013 |
Memorial Bridge | 500 x Art in Public | 2012 |
Hotel Lone | Zeppelin no.101 | 2012 |
Zamet Centre Zagreb Dance Center | 1000xEuropean Architecture | 2012 |
Zamet Centre | Forms and Meanings | 2012 |
Association of Dubrovnik's Architects realized projects exhibition 2012.-2016. | Association of Dubrovnik's Architects | 2017 |
Holidays after the fall Rijeka | Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art | 2015 |
3LHD interactions | Museum of Contemporary Art | 2015 |
Holidays After the Fall Sofia | 2014 | |
Holidays after the fall Berlin | 2013 | |
Croatian Architect Association Annual Exhibition 2012 | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2012 |
Mies van der Rohe exhibition, Paris | Fundació Mies van der Rohe | 2012 |
Common Sense & Sensibility | National Library | 2012 |
Mies van der Rohe exhibition, Brussels | Mies van der Rohe Foundation | 2012 |
Mies van der Rohe exhibition, Dusseldorf | Mies van der Rohe Foundation | 2012 |
Mies van der Rohe exhibition, Leuven | Stad en Architectuur | 2012 |
Holidays after the fall Graz | Graz House of Architecture | 2012 |
Continuity of Modernity, Podgorica | 2012 | |
Award-wining architecture in Croatia 90-09 | Croatian Architects' Association (CAA) | 2011 |
Continuity of Modernity, Rijeka | 2011 | |
Alternative Morphology of Contemporary Croatian Architecture | International Union of Architects | 2011 |
Lecture about 3LHD office organization | Faculty of architecture | 2019 |
3LHD: Synoptic Overview | Illinois Institute of Architecture | 2019 |
3LHD @ House'19 | 2019 | |
A lecture for students from TU Graz | Aquatika & 3LHD | 2019 |
ARCHICAD users' round table | 3Dart | 2019 |
Lecture at Days of Oris | 2019 | |
3LHD keynote at Graphisoft Key Client Conference 2018 | Graphisoft | 2018 |
3LHD architecture and collaborations | Zagreb School of business | 2018 |
3LHD office organization | Faculty of Architecture | 2018 |
Lecture at the School of Design | School of Design, on the Architecture faculty in Zagreb | 2018 |
Organisation - transformations | Croatian Chamber of Architects | 2018 |
Panel discussion Exhibiting Yugoslavia | Cornell University | 2018 |
Guided tour of Karlovac freshwater aquarium | Croatian Chamber of Architects | 2017 |
Raising an architect - round table | Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb | 2017 |
The Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Real Estate Development | Filipović Business Advisory | 2017 |
Interventions in public space | Cornell University, Ithaca, New York | 2017 |
Post-industrial islands in the city center | Zagreb Architects Society | 2017 |
Panel discussion about the Development of Gredelj zone | Filipović Business Advisory Ltd. | 2016 |
Lecture 3LHD - Urban Self-Regulation | AIT Cologne | 2016 |
(Un)Mapping Diocletian's Palace | Faculty of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy | 2015 |
Silvije Novak lecture "Rijeka and Architecture" | Rijeka Architects Society | 2014 |
3LHD projects in Kino Europa cinema | Telektra d.o.o. | 2014 |

Interior Designers
Zagreb, Croatia
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+385 1 2320200