NGG “Natürlich Gemeinsam in Gänserndorf”, Gänserndorf-Süd

The project „NGG-Natürlich Gemeinsam in Gänserndorf“is a multiused dwelling project providing inclusive living- and daycare structures for adults with special needs. It is based in Gänserndorf, lower Austria and located within an existing infrastructure focusing on biological agriculture and inclusive work- and therapy projects.
To generate more room for these institutions the location was expanded with an ensemble of three buildings. A residential building for six severely disabled and six disabled inhabitants.  A day care center as the heart of the three buildings combines usages offering rooms for dining, relaxation, therapy, office, or daycare. To complete the ensemble a trainee center was situated next to the daycare building framing the meadow in-between and creating a central outdoor place. In additional the existing animal therapy court was renewed and expanded.
Accessibility of the site, climatically and ecological reasons lead to the horizontal expansion of the single-story buildings and resulted in the decision for a wooden construction.

What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
“A very particular experience was the intense collaboration of all persons involved into this project during the total duration.”


illichmann architecture

Eckenstein-Geigy Stiftung, Keil-Bastendorff-Privatstiftung

Year of completion
2016 – 2019

Gänserndorf-Süd, Austria

Total area
2.054 m2

Site area
6.677 m2

Kurt Kuball

Project Partners

Timbatec, Hirschner/Wukitsevits, Lieb Bau Weiz, Klampfer Elektroanlagen, Lichtplanung, Steinzeit, Regber, Kapo

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