The new Krapina Neanderthal Museum was opened in February 2010 and follows the idea of Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, a scientist who announced to the world the unique findings of a fossil man from Krapina. The permanent exhibition of the museum is conceived in 18 thematic units that take us far into the past, from the oldest part of the Earth to the beginning of civilization and modern times, with a special emphasis on the famous discovery in Krapina and the importance of the collection of Krapina Neanderthals. The daily life of these early inhabitants is shown as part of the largest diorama of its kind in the world, and represents a community of Neanderthals of different ages and sexes, gathered around the fire. The Krapina Neanderthal Museum is one of the most modern museums in the world, which contains numerous interactive contents that stimulate all the visitor`s senses. Multimedia installations, films, information kiosks, virtual walks, and holograms amaze visitors, and excellent museum workshops are a special experience.

Authors of the creative story
Željko Kovačić, Jakov Radovčić
Museums of the Croatian Zagorje, Krapina Neanderthal Museum
Šetalište Vilibalda Sluge, Krapina, Croatia