Hosting a family dinner? Elica is ready to assist you every time with seating of all guests, who wish to come. The trick is the extendable mechanism and the magic is in the way it is hidden in the table. No one from your family members will guess your dining table is extendable. Because it looks as a non-extendable one! Just a few seconds and a little effort is needed to extend the table by up to one meter and gain additional space for your guests. Amazing, isn’t it?
From the outset Elica was meant to be delicate. Studio Kaplan Design designed this solid wood table with all rounded edges and with continuous wood grain after extension to the maximum length of 340 cm. It can be made either of beech, versatile and attractive oak wood or luxurious walnut. It uses a traditional glued mortise-and-tenon-joint construction. Therefore, it can bear up to 120 kg. Elica is chic and neat. Soft shapes and surface oiled with natural oil will always tempt you to come closer and caress it.

Studio Kaplan Design; Lukáš Kaplan, Czech Republic
Kaplan nábytek s.r.o., Czech Republic
Year of production