Every poster tells a story

July 18, 2018|Culture|

The emergence of a new design aesthetic in commercial post-war Slovenian poster-art. A simple definition of a poster would be that it is a visual medium using a (complex) combination of words and images to convey a message to the public. And it is precisely this conveying of the message that is the source of many questions, themselves the subject of historical, sociological, market, design and other research. What kind
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Why women love Žižek (and why men hate him even more)

July 18, 2018|Culture|

Steven Hawking entitled his last book On the Shoulders of Giants. He borrowed the title from Issac Newton, who once said that if he had been able to see farther, it was only because he stood on the shoulders of giants. The same goes for philosopher Slavoj Žižek, who laid the foundations of his studies on the shoulders of Jacques Lacan. In an attempt to answer the opening title-question –
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A dive with a view

July 18, 2018|Croatia, Lifestyle|

Exploring the mysterious beauty of underwater plateaus in Bol, on the island of Brač, Croatia. I am sinking slowly … and immediately I feel … peace. The immensity and silence of the deep blue. My extreme tininess in the universe of the sea. My fragility and dependence on the plastic umbilical cord, the life line between my mouth and my oxygen tank. Apart from the sound of the bubbles from
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Divine transcendence

June 10, 2018|Lifestyle, Slovenia|

Enjoying the mystical beauty of nature on the edge of the Alpes. While many, if not most, other offers of hospitality and accommodation are about an array of services, activities, facilities and more, the more often ends up being less; the whole ends up being less than its composite parts. Nebesa, however, is about less, and proves the familiar yet ill-applied maxim of ‘less is more’. Instead, the Nebesa experience
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Contemporary traditional

June 6, 2018|Culture|

The look, feel and flavour of the local The recent fast growth of our cities brought us new facets of alienation and anonymity - in sociological terms also known as ‘the lonely crowd’. Urban public spaces such as streets, parks and markets have a special role in the struggle against the dehumanisation of the post-industrial city. They are places of meeting and communication, an assemblage of moving pictures and are
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Amphora euphoria

May 18, 2018|Croatia, Lifestyle|

An amphora is many things to many people: it might be a large clay jug, a vessel in which to store liquids and foodstuffs, or the entire process of producing wine slowly, methodically; and it’s the oldest, very special wine from Kabola – Amfora. Producing wine from amphoras is almost unheard of today, but it’s actually nothing new: the early Greeks and Romans produced wine this “natural” way for hundreds
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