The building is located near Montebelluna, in the province of Treviso.
The design idea results from the will to enhance the existing context, gently immerging the new house into the greenery: two thin horizontal and parallel lines define the foundation and the flat roof, protecting the ‘dwelling box’ in between. The idea of timber cladding greatly integrates the project with the surrounding environment and the use of large windows allows tangible continuity with the surrounding vast green park.
High visual permeability and generous contributions of natural light characterize the interior spaces of the new house. The architecture develops on one level: the northern volume hosts the living area, kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a laundry room; the southern one houses a study and a recreation room.
The extremely simplicity of the plan contributes to radically improving functionality, optimizing the available surface space and reducing that of corridors, in favor of the more important areas of the house.
The use of simple materials such as exposed concrete with a particular matrix for the ceiling and floor, and cedar wook slabs, plays a significant role in highlighting the volumetric purity of the new house, giving it a refined elegance.

MIDE architetti
Claudia Nalesso
Year of completion
Montebelluna (TV), Italy
190 m2
Project Partners
Impronta Windows, Visentin Costruzioni srl