During the design process, we aimed to obtain synergy between the the values promoted by the “Drumul Taberelor” brand, our larger vision for urbanity, local identity, and needs of the local community in Drumul Taberei. In our opinion, a community center functions as a common place for the people of the neighborhood, with which one can interact organically, without the need for too many instructions. We believe that, instead of imposing a specific style, it is more important that this space borrows from the identity and character of the community. Cartier Hub is a dynamic space, one that is easy to reconfigure for hosting a wide range of activities, so the design is based on simple elements: warm colors, abundant plants and multifunctional furniture. The all-glass partition walls allow for transparency, clarity in reading the space and an energizing mood. We envision Cartier Hub as a much needed open stage for interaction, expression and creativity in the neighborhood.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
Open, free to use community centers are a necessary program for building inclusive cities. Most often, such a programme is developed by NGOs or at the initiative of the public sector. Very rare does it happen for a corporation to acknowledge the need for more social cohesion within a neighbourhood and actually take the initiative, spending its own resources, to develop and maintain such a program. With Bucharest being a city without a viable public programme for community building, it is left to local NGOs and – in this case – corporations, to team up and develop much needed social cohesion infrastructure.

Wolfhouse Productions; Iulian Canov, Vlad Stoica
Ceetrus România
Year of completion
Bucharest, Romania
Total area
317 m2
Marius Vasile
Project Partners
Krenic SRL, Noa Proiect SRL, Ing. Elena Iatan, Vest Klima Instal SRL