Wine workshop

Inside the Treviso countryside in a special space enclosed by a double row of old cherry trees is the new Pavilion of the Pizzolato Winery. The new building is both container and content of a philosophy linked to wine and the organic processing processes that distinguish the winery. The plan of the pavilion, given by a succession of circular elements, recalls the aggregation of carbon dioxide bubbles visible in a glass of prosecco, crystallizing them in a sort of extreme blow-up. The choice of materials, and related colors, helps to build a dialogue with the context that houses the pavilion, accelerating the process of mimesis with the context. The Workshop is an event that takes place between nature for the well-being of man. It is connected to biophilia, with views, atmospheres and hospitality, because the building is composed of what is outside, a landscape rich in tradition, experimentation and obviously respect for the land.


Made Associati; Adriano Marangon, Michela De Poli

La Cantina Pizzolato

Year of completion

Villorba, Italy

Total area
372 m2

Site area
3.500 m2

Made Associati; Adriano Marangon

Project Partners

Impresa Sernagiotto Angelino Costruzioni, ITLAS S.p.a.,, Bertazzon Impianti srl, Elettrotecnica Zanatta, Ser Lux Serramenti, Focus srl, Evotek

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