Vučedol Culture Museum is a unique museum in the world situated on the slope of the eponymous archaeological site, located 5 km from the center of Vukovar (Croatia). The Museum presents a 5000-year-old prehistoric cultural phenomenon of the Eneolithic period. This is the period of the greatest ancient civilizations such as the Old Empire in Egypt, Sumerians in Mesopotamia, and early Troy. The Museum’s permanent exhibition is dedicated to a single prehistorical culture of great pertinence, spreading on more than 1200 m2 of surface in 19 rooms, presenting the Vučedol Culture as a whole, together with all the elements ensuring the needs of an Eneolithic human.

Authors of the creative story
The authors of museum concept: Prof. Ph. D. Aleksandar Durman and Ružica Marić, M. A. Archaeology
The authors of the permanent exhibition: Prof. Ph. D. Aleksandar Durman and Mirela Hutinec, M. A. Archaeology
Architectural design: Radionica arhitekture d.o.o., Zagreb: Prof. Art. Goran Rako, M. A. Arch. Josip Sabolić, M. A. Arch. Iva Pejić, M. A. Arch. Mario Škarijot, M. A. Arch.
Exhibition design: Assoc. Prof. Art. Vanja Ilić, M. A. Arch., Zagreb
Museum was a part of a mega-project “Research, Restoration and Revival of the Cultural Heritage Ilok – Vukovar – Vučedol“, financed by CEB and implemented by Ministry of Culture and Media of Republic of Croatia.
Vukovar, Croatia
Darko Puharić, Marko Balaži, Šlafhauser, Mirela Hutinec
Project partners
Assoc. Prof. Art. Vanja Ilić, M. A. Arch.