Vase CANE Mirror age

Fascinated by how light plays on surfaces, dancing and reflecting against the slopes and curves of different objects, Studio Kakao’s latest series of metallic vases shed new light on discarded objects. Scouring antique markets and glass factory discards for the perfect vintage and second-hand pieces, we decided to mask common household pieces by reinventing the surface itself. Glass dusted with metal and metal enveloping glass, two materials become one reflective mirror of the world around us. Our main goal is to offer contemporary and unique designs that will not only add value to the aesthetics of a space but will prolong the life of traditional materials through new and unique adaptations. This time we utilised a complex technique to galvanize the antique glass. The result is a thin, reflective metallic layer, elevating the historic glass beneath into a modern showpiece. Metal stands are created by hand in our studio, adding height to each vase in hopes of capturing light from all angles.


studio KAKAO

Year of production

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