The plasma torch Thermacut® FHT-EX®TT105 is product by worldwide producer of plasma cutting systems for manufacturing industry with more than 25 years experience in this industry. This innovative torch brings new design of handle construction for comfortable cutting the metals by plasma arc technology. This ergonomic handle is one part of complex plasma cutting system powered by aggregate which uses gas and electricity to create high temperature flame 20.000°C. Plastic handle is a shell for plasma cutting torch assembly that carries plasma consumables. Handle with torch body is connected with plasma power supply that delivers current for torch operation. This torch and handle is designed for air cutting applications and works up to 105Amp cutting steel materials up to 40mm thick. Ergonomic handle offers multiple ways of holding for plasma operators. The operator can hold torch ordinarily with closed palm around handle or with the thumb on the top of the handle using special thumb rest spot as support for better leading the torch during cutting process. The handle includes safety trigger to turn the torch on only when operator wants and can not cause injury of operator.

Year of production
David Polasek