The Istrian Breakfast–A local bite is an innovative touristic product that combines a meal from locally grown (at km 0), even organic food with individualised experience by small providers. It enables tourists to discover the authentic tastes and people of Slovenian Istria and gives them an opportunity for a unique experience of the natural, the local and the traditional of the destination. Istrian breakfast is delivered to individual guests at small accommodation providers in the area of Slovenian Istria. The package includes five local experiences which give tourists the possibility to meet local people and discover the gastronomy and cultural heritage of the local community. The business model is based on the principle of sharing economy and brings together local producers of Slovenian Istria, accommodation providers and experience providers. The Istrian Breakfast business model enables the strengthening of the local community basing on all three pillars of sustainable development (environmental, social and economic), as it is environmentally friendly in terms of ingredients and packaging, promotes local tourism and farming and connects small entrepreneurs and producers. Additionally, it ensures a relatively constant source of revenue to product partners and gives them additional opportunities for marketing both at home and abroad. The product is being implemented for the third season and in 2019 it expanded from Koper to the municipality of Piran, which speaks of an efficient and above all sustainable design of the product and business model.

Author of the creative story
Mateja Hrvatin Kozlovič s.p.
Koper + Piran, Slovenia