New sports hall concept for the school in Anton-Krieger-Gasse in Vienna. Over a period of three years, from 2016 to 2019, a thorough renovation of the school sports facility in 1230 Vienna, Anton-Krieger-Gasse took place. Three gymnasiums as well as the associated locker rooms were reprogrammed and customized as part of an innovative spatial concept. The new sports functional concepts allow in each case a universal use, a targeted classical ball sports use or a modern fun sports use. The individual room designs and the associated locker rooms are highlighted in blue, green and orange. This not only allows for a clear differentiation of the exercise areas, but also creates an easy-to-understand wayfinding system at the same time. The branding of the halls is based on the latest sports science findings, needs analyses and design principles, which includes sustainable use of the concepts. The targeted orientation of the rooms allows specialization in the various fields of exercise. The three gymnasium modules in their entirety favor the polysportive characteristics of the facility. They represent the combination of clearly separated sports motor skills, classic sports and new fields of movement in a holistic concept.

Raumkunst zt gmbh; Harald Fux
BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft
Year of completion
Vienna, Austria
Herta Hurnaus
Project Partners
RWT+, Woschitz Engineering ZT GmbH