Save! is a pioneering urine separation toilet that takes a step towards sustainable wastewater management by preserving the nutrients contained in urine and at the same time protecting the environment from harmful substances.
The key innovation in “save!” is the “urine trap”, created by EOOS Design. It uses the hydrodynamic principle of the teapot effect to conduct the urine towards a concealed outlet using only surface tension. The intelligent design of the ceramic body ensures that the urine separation occurs irrespective of whether the toilet is used by a man, a woman or a child. Flushing water, which is discharged at a much higher rate and speed, runs down the regular syphon. The same applies to solids and toilet paper, which also fall into the syphon.
LAUFEN has applied this principle to the wall-mounted WC and redesigned it with a urine channel to optimise its performance. Thanks to the perfect, almost imperceptible integration of the technology into the ceramic body, the WC achieves an elegant aesthetic and can therefore be integrated into sophisticated bathroom designs without any compromises.

EOOS, Austria
Laufen Bathrooms AG, Switzerland
Year of production
© Laufen