The Robinson Bridge is a newly built pedestrian and cycle bridge located at the confluence of the Danube and its Soroksári-Branch in Budapest. The 170 m long and 65 m tall structure is the largest bridge in Hungary designed exclusively for pedestrians & cyclists. Designing and constructing a curved, asymmetric cable-stayed structure is among the greatest challenges in the field of structural design, while the bridge was designed to radiate lightness. A single, needle-like pylon, a transparent network of 53 cables suspending the slender bridge deck without any intermediate support.
By following the river’s bend, this new element of the capital’s skyline aims to highlight its most important natural asset – the Danube waterfront. It creates a scenic link to the currently unjustly abandoned greenery in Northern Csepel. Besides harmonizing with its wider urban context, the bridge is also in strong synergy with the neighboring Athletics Stadium by using the same architectural language of white steel tubes.

SPECIÁLTERV; Gábor Pál (design), András Kemenczés (project management), László Hunyadi (statical calculation), Mihály Szabados (steel design), Péter Pataki (technology)
Year of completion
Budapest, Hungary
Project Partners
Acélhidak Kft.; Anett Puskár, Hídépítő Zrt.; István Medveczki, NAPUR Architect; Marcel Ferencz