


ARHINGinženjering DOO Podgorica / Bijelo Polje (Montenegro) was founded in 1990. The company's activities consist of design services, professional supervision and consulting services. It implements its activities in Montenegro and the region, in the period of 30 years without interruption. The number of employees ranged from 5-10 employed engineers, of which the dominant structure is the architectural group. According to the project solutions of this company, over a hundred smaller and larger projects have been realized thus far. Design work is provided through tenders, directly with clients and public architectural competitions. According to the awarded solutions, 7 facilities have been realized, or are in the realization phase. The design approach is based on teamwork and a careful attitude towards the context. This, through the cognitive process, leads to the selection of influential factors, which results in original solutions confirmed by several significant awards: Republic Award BORBA Montenegro (1991), International Urban Planning Exhibition, Nis, Serbia (2011), CEMEX Building Award Montenegro (2014), CEMEX Building Award Mexico (2018), BIG See Architecture AWARDS (2021). Projects that have been implemented as well as designing solutions have been showcased at  exhibitions in Belgrade (Salons of Architecture, STRANFD and Ranko Radović Award), Salon of Urbanism in Niš, Podgorica (Salons of Architecture), Triennial of Architecture in Bucharest and XII Biennial of Architecture in Venice in 2010.


Rifat Alihodžić (1956). He graduated in Sarajevo (BiH), completed his master's degree in Belgrade (Serbia), and his doctorate in Novi Sad at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (Serbia). In addition to the design practice, he is also engaged in pedagogical work as a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Podgorica (Montenegro). He started his design career at the Institute of Urbanism in Bijelo Polje (Montenegro), where he worked until 1990, when he began working in his own studio ARHINGinženjering. With his team, he designed over a hundred facilities, seven of which were based on awarded competition solutions. He was awarded with his team and participated in a number of exhibitions on the regional and international architectural scene. He represented Montenegro with his team and a selected project at the XII Venice Biennale 2010. He received the role of commissioner from the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro at the XIII Venice Biennale in 2012.He represented Montenegro in the competition for the Aga Kahn Award for Architecture (2010), and was nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Award with a building designed in Montenegro (2011).

Interview with Rifat AlihodžićVIEW - Journal of the Chamber of Engineers of Montenegro2020
Rifat Alihodžić, monograph. Architecture in Montenegro 1965-1990 (Through the prism of Borba's award for architecture)Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Podgorica ISBN 978-86-7215-358-32015
Biennial of ArchitectureBiennial of Architecture, Venice ISBN 978-88-317-06512010
Sports and recreation zone on the site of a former mine tailings pond in Mojkovac Faculty of Architecture Podgorica & Chamber of Engineers of Montenegro ISBN 978-9940-9244-4-72010
Montenegro The Next Step Rifat AlihdožićBiennalewiki2010
"Sljedeći korak" -The Next Step 13. Mostra Internazionale di ArchiteturaMinistry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, ISBN 978-9940-520-13-72012
The Only Female Recipient of The Federal „BORBA“ AwardPiranesi ISSN 1318-007 X2019
Time Frames : Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectuzral HeritageRoutledge ISBN: 978-1-47-248929-6, ISBN: 978-1-31-526986-32017
Svetlana Kana Radević: Hotel “Podgorica”, Podgorica, Montenegro, 1967Piranesi ISSN 1318-007 X2019
Kindergarten Bijelo poljeA10 New European Architecture2014
Recent Montenegrin architecture 2006-2016Ministry of Culture of Montenegro ISBN 978-9940-707-00-22016
Central Building for the Use Gasulhana , Hatme & Mevlud YAPI-Monthly Architecture Design and Art Magazine2014
Central Building for the Use Gasulhana , Hatme & Mevlud World Architecture ISSN 1002-48322015
Continuity architectureKAZIVART. Journal of Culture, Arts and Social Themes ISSN 2661-26902020
Podgorica Madrasa ProjectALMANAH, ISSN 0354-53422011
Places for Re-encounters-Recycling The spacePeople meet in Architecture. Biennial of Architecture 2010 Venice2010
Transposition in ArchitectureVisiting Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia2012
Architecture and Urbanism of Montenegro in the Transition Period - Causes of the CrisisLecture as a member of the Academy, Academy of Engineering Sciences of Montenegro2015
Envelope - the wrapper of architectural form (some aspects)Visiting Professor, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE LJUBLJANA , SLOVENIA2016
How to Take a ContextVisiting Professor, METU Faculty of Architecture Ankara, Turkey2018
Context and Concept Require CompromiseVisiting Professor, POLITECNICO DI BARI, FACOLTÀ DI ARCHITETTURA. Italy2019
The Art of BuildingInvitation lecture, Story Festival "Native Paths" to the Petnjica Cultural Center2019
BORBA'S award for architectureOrganizing board awards list BORBA, Foyers of the Yugoslav Drama Theater Belgrade, Serbia1991
Rural Architecture of Montenegro and the People's Republic of ChinaMinistry of Culture of Montenegro and Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, Beijing Museum of Chinese Gardens and Landscape Architecture2016
Bucharest Trienale-East and Central European Architecture / Nursery and Kindergarten Bijelo PoljeArhitext Design Fundation, Bucharest, Romania2016
Sixt International Exhibition / House of OlivesStrand. Sustanable Urban Society Assciation, Belgrade, Serbia2018
Ranko Radović Award / Family residential building "Vila Metko"Ranko Radović Award 2017 Ilija Kolarac Endowment, Belgrade, Serbia2017
Competition for the conceptual architectural solution of the Elementary School in Tološi, in PodgoricaMinistry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Electronic exhibition, Montenegro2020
CEMEX Building Award 2018. Permanent ExhibitionPerisciopio media S.A. de C.V. Mexico. ISBN 978-607-7784-13-5.2018
Božidar Milić Award / Administrative center in PetnjicaFaculty of Architecture, University of Montenegro & prof. Božidar Milić's family/ Podgorica, Montenegro2019
Božidar Milić Award / Family residential building "Vila Metko"Faculty of Architecture, University of Montenegro & prof. Božidar Milić's family/ Podgorica, Montenegro2019
Third Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / Administrative center in PetnjicaAssociation of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2018
Third Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / Family residential building "Vila Metko"Association of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2018
Third Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / House of Olives - projectAssociation of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2018
Rural Architecture of Montenegro and the People's Republic of ChinaMinistry of Culture of Montenegro and Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, "Biljarda" Cetinje2017
Second Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / Administrative center in Petnjica-projectAssociation of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2016
The next step - exhibition of recent Montenegrin architecture 2006-2016Ministry of Culture of Montenegro. Modern Gallery of the Public Institution Museums and Institutions of Podgorica2016
Second Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / Multietnic Info houseAssociation of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2016
Second Montenegrin Salon of Architecture / "Kuća voća" in AndrijevicaAssociation of Architects of Montenegro / Podgorica, Montenegro2016
32. Salon of Architectue Belgrade / Madrasa in PodgoricaMuseum of Aplied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia2010
33. Salon of Architectue Belgrade / Sports and recreation zone on the site of a former mine tailings pond in Mojkovac Museum of Aplied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia2011
36. Salon of Architectue Belgrade / Nursery and Kindergarten in Bijelo PoljeMuseum of Aplied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia2014
Rifat Alihodžić, monograph. Architecture in Montenegro 1965-1990 (Through the prism of Borba's award for architecture)Museum of Aplied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia2016
INTERNATIONAL URBAN PLANNING EXHIBITION NIS / Conceptual Urban and and Architectural Design of City Square With Business Buildings in Bijelo Polje, MontenegroSerbian town planners assosiation2011


Podgorica, Montenegro




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