The construction of the new parish complex in the Varignano district has been completed in Viareggio (Tuscany, IT), It replaces a pre-existing building no longer suitable or adequate for pastoral and celebratory needs and included for these reasons in the national architecture competition called “Diocesan Paths”, promoted by the Italian Episcopal Conference to define new models of religious buildings, capable of making the values of the Gospel message more clearly relevant, to be combined with increasingly lively attention to environmental and social sustainability. The new complex contains spaces for various activities, both liturgical and social, with areas also dedicated to meetings of the various neighborhood associations. With its addition of new spaces and services, the Varignano project represents a sign of renewal for the whole neighborhood, an example of open participation in the city, the result of active collaboration between social and institutional stakeholders. It has been extended to improve usability, facilities, and liveability for the whole community involved. The further theme proposed, sustainability, has been achieved with the creation of a building that is highly efficient in energy saving and maintenance.

Year of completion
Viareggio, Italy
Andrea Avezzù