Origami Wall is an original solution of concrete blocks, which pushes the boundaries of functionality and usability beyond ordinary vertical gardens. The geometric structure creates a gallery for growing various species of plants with its niches allowing each plant to stand out, regardless of its size or species. Whether you are carefully planting the wall, or it remains empty, the graphic structure guarantees a quality appearance, even in case one of the plants died, or during their continuous renewal. The W55 system combines all the features of a perfectly trimmed garden. It solves uneven ground, gives you space to grow herbs, ornamental grasses and vegetables and creates a harmonious space even during dormancy. The W90 system is a premium vertical garden solution for interior. The thoughtful design of the pure geometric structure constantly changes its appearance as it’s getting overgrown by organic flora, literally bringing the space to life that never gets old even after years.

Jaroslav JUŘICA, Czech Republic
Origami Systems s.r.o., Czech Republic
Year of production