Mökki was designed by Melinda Molnár (Madzag) and Dániel Szalkai (Maacraft) as a collaboration between two good friends. Melinda is designing & and manufacturing small-batch leather goods for urban dogs and also running a blog about responsible dog ownership in the city. Maacraft is a design and social enterprise that started in 2012 as a creative workshop of the Miskolc Autistic Foundation. We make high-quality objects and delicate products, while adults with intellectual disabilities can get to know the world and joy of work. Our products are designed by designers and developed into manufacturable products with conductors and specialists. Mökki is made for dogs who like to seek comfy nooks while keeping an eye on their home. The bed frame is made of beech plywood. Its sides are coated with environmentally friendly water-based ash gray wood stain, and its front and back are waxed. Melinda and Dániel put together their knowledge about dogs and social design, so they could make this bed the best way possible.

Madzag dog and Maacraft
Maacraft – the social workshop
Year of completion
Karolina Kárász