Restoration of a 19th century mill creates inspiration from its own abandoned concrete skeleton
It always takes time to make something great, but what surprised T2.a Architects about its Jazz Loft project was how a forced break unexpectedly managed to lead to a more refined and rewarding building in the long run. Renovated from an abandoned 19th century mill, architects Bence and Gabor Turanyi were first tasked with the delicate refurbishment work back in 2005. One economic crash and a change in vendor later has led to a project that has evolved through a number of growing pains before finally becoming the structure that it is today. Jazz Loft proves that a solid plan, the architect’s vision and great determination aren’t the only requirements for a great building; sometimes the building itself will have a life of its own and the extended time ultimately led to a better, more refined, high-quality and sustainable building in the end.
The project was nominated in 2019 for the Piranesi Award.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
Regenerate an abandoned, hundred years old industrial building into a 21st century residential space: transform it into a state-of-the-art, contemporary building while preserving its original spirit.

T2.a Architects;
1st phase (2006–2009): architects: Gábor Turányi, Bence Turányi, project architect: Levente Skultéti, contributing architects: Péter Márk, Marcell Lévai, Éva Pinczés, Dénes Regőczi
2nd phase (2016–2018): architect: Bence Turányi, project architects: Renáta Gyurcsó, Gábor Balla, contributing architects: Bálint Laczkó-Pető, Dénes Regőczi, Fruzsina Újfalussy, Tamás Fülöp, Péter Oravecz, interior design of the communal areas: István Ölbey (HOME.HU)
Year of completion
Budapest, Hungary
Gross floor area
6.250 m2
Building area
3.750 m2
Site area
8.350 m2
Zsolt Batár
Project Partners
Merkapt Zrt., Aluprof, Fakro, Renson, PREFA, MUHR, Swisspearl, XELLA Multipor