Jan Gayer Parking Garage: 7 floors, 284 places total, 35 places for LPG/CNG vehicles, 4 places for electric cars, 18 places for disabled people and 10 places for families with infants and young children.
Jan Gayer Parking Garage is located in the Hradec Králové conservation area. In a reaction to a major archaeological discovery of a foundation and overground masonry as part of the late 18th century military fortress the project of the parking garage was modified in order to move the foundation pilesoutside these historical structures.
The Jan Gayer Parking Garage consists of two main blocks. While the first one is larger and conforms to the two dominating classicist barrack buildings, the second one is half a storey lower and shorter and encloses a courtyard surrounded by the baroque fortress. These two blocks, serving as garage, are connected by lifts and stairways, bathrooms, storage areas and technical facilities.
The parking garage is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure with stiffening cores. Horizontal structures are designed as beamless monolithic pitched slabs. The outer envelope is made with vertical larchwood cladding and monolithic concrete walls.
What makes this project one-of-a-kind?
This project combines its position in the historical city centre with modern function. It uses traditional components such as, wood or concrete and combines them-with modern look. Monolithic concrete walls combined with vertical lamellas made of larch wood create an effect of transparency – you can literally see through the building.

architekti chmelík & partneři; Jaromír Chmelík, Petr Večeřa
ISP Hradec Králové, a. s.
Year of completion
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Total area
2700 m2
Miloš Šálek
Project Partners
BAK stavební společnost, a. s., Ing. Ondřej Bílek, Ing. Jiří Faltus – MKP statici, Ing. Vít Zinga – Tektum, s. r. o., Mikroklima, s.r.o., MK PROFI Hradec Králové, s. r. o., Ing. Petr Pilnáček, Jiří Macháček – SLP SYSTÉMY, Ing. Jiří Šnejdr, Emporio exclusive, s. r. o., GKR ZAKLÁDÁNÍ, s. r. o., VALME, s. r. o., TESKO konstrukce, s. r. o., Ekoizol V&V, s. r. o., KASTT, s. r. o., Colsys, s. r. o., Eko-Agro-Top, s. r. o., Acidotechna, s. r. o., Pavel Šrámek, VÝPRACHTICKÝ, s. r. o., Lumidée, s. r. o., PROST – orientační systémy, s. r. o., ATECH Bohemia, a. s., Požární dveřní servis, s. r. o., GREEN Center, s. r. o., HIKVISION, Schindler CZ, a. s., HABR Trutnov, s. r. o., Radek Gottwald, Betonárna Nový Bydžov, BORTA, s. r. o., Kovářství Diviš, PLYNOSPOL, s. r. o.