Business Design Forum
Zavod Big, in cooperation with the Center for Creativity, at the Museum of Architecture and Design, invites you to a Business & Design Forum: Architecture and Design for Creative Tourism.
The Slovenian tourism has experienced a rapid growth in recent years which proves that it is playing an increasingly important economic role. The Slovenian government is apparently aware of this fact, since the state has recently adopted the Sustainable Growth Strategy of the Slovenian Tourism. This rather lengthy document, which separates Slovenia into four macro destinations, provides a detailed analysis of the service users and it also outlines numerous goals and possible measures to achieve them. The Strategy is based on the fundamental strategic vision which reads: “Slovenia is a green, boutique destination which is perfectly suitable for a five-star tourist experience.” At the same time, the Strategy has foreseen a big quantitative leap in the number of accommodations and visitors. The strategy has envisioned the construction of 11,900 new rooms, which represents an increase of 27% in comparison with the year 2015, and it also anticipates a 54% growth in the number of overnight stays.
The objectives are, therefore, clear. It is important to become internationally recognized and to attract demanding visitors by means of a »boutique offer« and in this manner turn Slovenia into a popular tourist destination. At the same time, the traps of mass, low-cost tourism shall be avoided. In order to achieve the objectives, a strategic plan itself will not suffice. The accomplishment of this ambitious vision requires the involvement of all the entities engaged in the area of tourism, including the state itself, owners, managers, distributors as well as architects and designers.
This conference aims to bring around a discussion-table various participants who shall present their views on tourism and find out through dialogue what things they consider important to create a successful tourism story. Besides, the conference shall also address the following questions: How can different professions be complementary and mutually supportive? How to accomplish the Slovenian tourist vision? What do the words green and boutique stand for?
We shall be more or less well familiar with the notion of the green, since the sustainable development nowadays represents a standard in various different areas. Besides, Slovenia also has all the natural conditions that are required for the development of such stories. The notion of »boutique«, however, calls for a more thorough explanation. Does this word really stand for small hotels and innovative niche products that the word »boutique« is commonly considered to be associated with when it comes to tourism? Is there really no room for big, five-star hotel complexes and other grand ideas? It is difficult to say. A romantic image we might have is one thing, but it still seems that in the real world it is rather difficult to establish a strategic development on the basis of some smaller, individual service providers. The big providers are, in fact, the ones who are, for example, able to ensure a critical mass of people and introduce new airlines, thus establishing a new infrastructure that can serve as a great support for small service providers who can perfectly complete the entire picture.
Most probably the correct answer would be that the word »boutique« can signify both – small as well as big. The expression »boutique« is not necessarily related to size. The word »boutique« primarily refers to the unique accommodation and special programmes. It pertains to innovative stories that greatly differ from each other. And here is definitely some room for creativity. Creativity on various different levels. More HERE→
BigSEE Winners Presentations
Matteo Bolgan; Pedevilla Architects, Italy, Marleen Viereck; Viereck Architekten, Austria, Ivan Plemenčić; Abstracto Studio, Croatia, Goran Ajelić; Rotokor, Croatia, Slavin Baylov and Margarita Bojinova; M1K3 Project, Bulgaria, RE:A.C.T, Serbia, Michal Gorec; Ruční papírna Papyrea, The Czech Republic, Nina Repar; Repro eko farm, Croatia, Sotiria Kareli, Greece, Branka Urbanija, Slovenia, Grigor Serghey, Moldova, Janko Kezele, Croatia

Eat & Drink Design
Eat & Drink Design event is a unique culinary Month of Design event which has been accompanying and supporting excellent design achievements, outstanding design brands and creative initiatives from Slovenia and entire Southeast Europe since 2008. Various design brands and culinary masterpieces provide an unforgettable design and culinary experience.
The following countries and design brands took part in Eat & Drink Design 2019: Albania, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, The Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Poland, Slovenia, Ljubljana – the European Capital of Culture candidate, Nova Gorica – Gorizia – the European Capital of Culture candidate, Lenava – the European Capital of Culture candidate, J&J, Zumtobel, Veriga Lesce, Volvo, Geberit, Pilih Beton, NEFF, Gorenc, Noordung and Simetrija. More HERE→
BigSEE Tourism Design Awards
BigSEE Tourism Design Awards recognise and expose excellence in tourism design from Southeast Europe in categories:
– Creative story and identity as experience
– Architecture and design as experience

BigSEE Virtual Exhibition
Get inspired by the virtual pavilions showcasing the award-winning projects from the 19 South-East European countries and displaying their creativity in the areas of architecture, interior design, fashion design, product design, creative tourism and innovative woodworking. More HERE→
BigSEE Talks
Get inspired by watching some video interviews given by the BigSEE awarded architects revealing their driving force and visions. More HERE →