City Lake Horn

An important institution in the lower Austrian town of Horn reopens for all its residents and visitors. The city lake, until recently run as a restricted paid swimming area, has now been redesigned with open access for everyone without any entrance fee. The heart of the project are the spacious wooden decks, the connecting element between land and water. They provide easy access for swimmers and plenty of space for sunbathing and relaxing as well as a unique lake stage. As a living material, the wood ages naturally, changes its color and “lives” with the lake. In addition, the entire district also benefits: gastronomic facilities (SEEDECK restaurant) and footpaths around the lake ensure a high frequency and vitalization of the quarter. As a green lung, the area provides the necessary cooling. Water fountains, existing and new trees and light-colored materials buffer intense heat waves. Thanks to the good cycle path connection and pedestrian-friendly accessibility, the project is a contribution to a more climate-friendly future.



Year of completion


Kurt Hörbst

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