Dinko Žele, debaters
WORK EXPERIENCE March 2016 - Pro Elemento Ltd January 2007 - March 2016 - Niva Inzenjering Ltd March 2003 - January 2007 - Civil Engineering Institute, Department For Studies And Design Development September 2005 -
WORK EXPERIENCE March 2016 - Pro Elemento Ltd January 2007 - March 2016 - Niva Inzenjering Ltd March 2003 - January 2007 - Civil Engineering Institute, Department For Studies And Design Development September 2005 -
Marko Dabrović was born in Dubrovnik, 1969 where he finished elementary and high school. He graduated from Architecture Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Marko founded RNA studio for 3D computer generated visualizations in 1991, and
Arhitekt, z 19 let izkušenj na področju arhitekturnega načrtovanja, deluje kot vodilni arhitekt, vodja projektov in vodja oddelka za arhitekturo. Od idejnih konceptov do izvedbenih načrtov za stanovanjske, trgovinske, športne, vladne, vojaške, industrijske, in infrastrukturne
At the beginning of 2018, KONNTRA started to build its initial shape. Like an experiment, more precisely, a way to answer crucial question - "what if?", with or without any expectation… This „what if?“ has
Eric-Jan Pleijster (1977) is a senior Landscape Architect and the co-founder of LOLA Landscape Architects. He graduated cum laude in landscape architecture at Wageningen University (2003). Eric-Jan designs natural processes to optimize landscapes and to
Dijana Vučinić iz a practicing architect, founder and leader of an interdisciplinary architectural practice DVARP. Her work is based on research on post-transitional city and interactive contemporary city ambience as well as urban and rural