casaBASE is an artists’ residence and small hotel for people who work and visit BASE, important cultural center in the Tortona area of Milan. With a total of 10 rooms, with private and shared bathrooms, it provides accommodation for 25 people, from students to entrepreneurs, creatives to startuppers, musicians to artists. Quiet and subdued rooms and an intimate and cosy lounge and kitchen provide a quiet harbour to people who attend BASE. casaBASE has one objective: to create a new form of hospitality that is welcoming, innovative and personalised, just like home (“casa”). casaBASE is immersed in a creative, international environment which offers daily opportunities to meet new people and participate in an array of events and initiatives. casaBASE is overturning the concept of luxury, going “back to the base”, offering a fresh combination of location – simple yet refined – accessible prices, and a new philosophy of tailor-made hospitality within the reach of everyone.
Business model of the project
Room prices are variable: from €35 for a bed in the quadruple with shared facilities, to €125 for a double with private bathroom. Rooms are booked online through tourist platforms and Base’s website. Special packages are provided for guests of events taking place at BASE. Guests have the possibility to consume their meals at the bar/restaurant inside BASE. Cultural events, temporary working space, classes and shows take place in Base all year around providing many guests to casaBASE. Reasonable prices for different types of accommodation – form double to quadruples. casaBASE has an international public, with people coming from all over the world.

Interior and Experience Design
Stella Orsini
Architectural Project
Giancarlo Floridi; onsite studio
Base Milano
Serena Eller Vainicher
Year of completion
Milan, Italy
Total area
500 m2
Project Partners

Geberit, Sice Previt – Milano, Mezzo Atelier, Leftover Design, Mauro Bolognesi – Milano, Vitra, Artek, Delta-Bo, Tomasello – Palermo, Farrow& Ball – Marino Wall & Paint – Milano, Pozzi Ginori, Presto, Sclak