Biutiful Downtown implies a rhythm of life, a joie de vivre, a modus vivendi. Metal-industrial design lines, tinted with precious elements (sofas, glam lighting objects, etc.) is spirited by natural plants slipping at a parietal level, descending organically from the ceiling or standing out luxuriantly in crafted pots. Contrast of details represents the leitmotif of this whole space where the culture of pub had been reinterpreted in a contemporary & sustainable note, blending traditional with modern, serial objects with hard-to-find manufactura items, for the pleasant surprise in the eye of connoisseurs. The furniture has different styles, some of the most important designer objects are Frisco Kramer’s chairs, built in 1961. The warm shade of natural wood dominates the arrangement, and the artificial light supported by a diverse army of lighting fixtures gives a feeling of continuous party.

Twins Studio; Mihai Popescu,Nadia Popescu
Twins Downtown
Year of completion
Bucharest, Romania
Total area
500 m2
Alex Ionita
Project Partners
Aragon Grup, Ragazzino