The Vineyard
In the Eger wine region lies a long neglected vineyard, which is home to an exceptional grape variety, the “archiepiscopal” wine grape. The fruit of centuries of cultivation has inspired the local wine maker to preserve and present it to the public. The replanted grapes produce an unrivalled wine and the vineyard welcomes visitors who long for exceptional scenery, ancient grapes and relaxation.
Terrace and huts
Small buildings are nestled in between the rows of the vineyard: the wine terrace is a covered and open space, complemented by basic bungalows for sleeping, a lookout for gazing and a pool for cooling off. Scale and material draw on the local traditions of the medieval hut. Concealed by the rows of the vineyard, with only its roof peeking out, bungalows provide protection and a place to rest. Evoking the image of a row of traditional huts, the covered, yet open and airy space of the wine terrace offers shelter from the summer sun.
Earth Concrete
Tuff stone is a material characteristic of the area, also found in the form of gravel, the byproduct of carving wine cellars out of the stone. The thick walls of the buildings were created using this stone debris. The layered and manually mixed, rammed earth concrete walls cite the climatic characteristics, wall structure and material qualities of the excavated cellars.
In addition to the discarded tuff stone, other structures and equipment are all recycled materials and non-standard elements that fit into the minimal budget. They are local and unique solutions stemming from the design and construction process.
Thus the vineyard still belongs to Nature: we humans are mere guests.

Péter Gereben, Balázs Marián; Gereben Marián Architects Ltd.
Tourism enterprise
Almagyar Érseki Szőlőbirtok Kft. / Almagyar Archiepiscopal Wine Estate Ltd.
Year of completion
Grape plantation: 2007-2012
Construction: 2012-2014
Archiepiscopal Vineyard, Almagyar, Eger, Hungary