The design of the ReYard House is inspired by both traditional Turkish and Moroccan architectural styles. For both cultures privacy has an utmost importance which shaped the architecture of the houses. Families generally spend their time in the yards. Therefore, comfort conditions of the yard are important. ReYard courtyard is designed to be a comfortable space for the hot and dry desert climate. The separator walls are designed to allow the wind through the yard to cool down the temperature while limiting the visual contact from outside.
Solar panels of ReYard are placed on top of the wooden canopy. This canopy protects the yard from the sun and ensures climate comfort. It also captures and redirects wind into the yard where the evaporation from the algae pond helps to cool down the courtyard. The rammed earth based and wooden framed panels are the fundamental building elements of the ReYard. Bamboo sticks are used as insulating material. The house is designed as a modular system. What is also aimed in ReYard was mainly to reduce water and carbon footprints of the project by using a microalgae-based advanced waste water treatment system. This method provides an advanced treated reusable water for secondary purposes.

Aslı Aldemir Celen, Bekir Süleymanoğlu, Avni Yılmaz, Ilgın Yeşim Eldeş, Mustafa Demirel
Ruhi Kafesçioğlu, Özden Ağra, Murat Çakan, Muhammed Maraşlı, Süleyman Akım, Fatma Akım, Erden Güven, Murat Şanal, Dilek Yürük, Özgül Öztürk, Kerem Ercoşkun, Ebru Akkaya, Emine Can Güven, Neslihan Say, Ahmet Topbaş, Mustafa Kemal Sevindir, Alişan Gönül, Atalay Yıldırım
Solar Decathlon Africa
Year of completion
Ben Guerir, Morocco
Total area
220 m2
Site area
144 m2
Hacer Bozkurt
Project Partners
Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul Technical University, Ahmet Demirel Orman Ürünleri, FİPRONET Elektronik İmalat San. Tic. A.Ş., FibroBeton Yapı Elemanları San. ve İnşaat A.Ş., Schmid Pekintaş, Serozan Fuar Standı A.Ş., VitrA, Betek Boya AŞ, Aligatör, SELECTRON Ltd. Şti. ARBOR Ahşap Pencere, Beko, Arçelik AŞ, Aldağ AŞ., Daikin Türkiye, AFS Soler&Paleu, Tescom Elektronik San. ve Tic. AŞ., EGE KABLO Endüstri Malz.San. ve Tic. A.Ş.,